20th Century Events

  • The invention of Television

    The invention of Television
    The television discovery has been split up into many years as there are different ways that people describe the TV. The first ever TV was invented in 1831 but did not produce a full functional picture until 1862. Many scientist got together to try and figure out how to make a TV display full pictures and movies but also introduce sound for the first time ever. The inventers were Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday’s. This was important as many teenagers and children are addicted to tv and it ente
  • Mass Production of Vehicles

    Mass Production of Vehicles
    On December 1 1913 Henry ford changed the ways of car mass production forever. In 1903 Henry opened up his own ford Automotive business. The biggest ever success was the model T ford as he made thousands of thousands at very cheap prices. In 1913 the amount of cars being made dramatically increased and by 1927 Ford had made 15 million cars. Henry Ford was the first of many car companies to mass produce. It started a new way to look at cars and that is why it is important.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    World War 1 ended in 1918 on the 11th of November. America had entered the war after a German Submarine shot a British passenger liner with 1195 passengers on board. 128 Americans were on board the ship. America were not yet in the war until 1917 but had been supplying weapons and ammunition to the country’s in the alliance. America joined the war and obliterated the Germans. Germans leader Kaiser Wilhelm and dropped the position of chief and the end was near. Shortly after World war 1 had ended
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    At last everyone had said. The Versailles Treaty was signed and was the peace settlement between Germany and the allied powers that ended World war 1. The conditions of this Treaty were so minor that it sparked again creating a new war. WORLD WAR 2. This is an important mark in history as it was the end of world war 2.
  • The jazz age

    The jazz age
    In the 1920’s it seemed that many people had money. Music was very popular, People wanted to play instruments and people wanted to listen to it. This started people going lunatic and people would do things such as sit on flag poles. This was the era of many famous sport players such as Babe Ruth and Bobby Jones, the Best amateur golfer ever. People loved listenting to Jazz music and that is why it was a big part in history.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    In 1929 the start of the great depression started when the stock market had crashed after 16 million shares were exchanged into the New York Exchange. Billions of dollars were lost, many jobs were lost in the process which made many families struggle up until 1939. Many banks were not reliable during the years of the depression which made people withdrawal money from the banks. This also pushed people into further trouble.
  • Market Crash

    Market Crash
    On October 29th of 1929 black Tuesday sparked when Investors traded in 16 million shares with the New York Stock Exchange. Thousands and thousands of investors were wiped out in just a single day. America spiralled downwards along with the rest of the world which had started the great depression from 1929-1939. Billions of dollars were lost in this process. The amount of jobs that were lost forced men woman and children were forced to wear resumes on their chest. Finding work was extremely hard.
  • The beginning of WW2

    The beginning of WW2
    The start of ww2 was due to Hitler trying to take charge of Poland without France and Great Britain finding out. On the 1st of September was the first German attack. Great Britain sent Hitler A Ultimatum to either withdraw the German Army or France and Great Britain will enter the war. On the 3rd of September German soldiers kept pushing further into Poland so France and Britain Declared War on Germany. This was important piece in history as many brave people died to save their countries.
  • Day of Mourning

    Day of Mourning
    On the 26th of January of 1938 one hundred aboriginal men woman and children gathered in what is known to be the Australian hall. This day was not a cheerful day for the aboriginals it was a day of mourning. It commerates the day of 150 years ago when misery was brought to the aboriginals and they were turned into slaves.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

    On the 7th of December 1941 the Japanese launched an attack on Pearl Harbour killing 2,300 Americans, destroying 9 ships and over 200 aircrafts. Many people were harmed and had family members killed in these blasts. America was almost about to join the war but this just topped it off. America declared war and were in within a few weeks. This is tragic day in history as many innocent people lost their lives.
  • 1942 Bombing of Darwin

    1942 Bombing of Darwin
    19th February in 1942 at approximately 10am Darwin under attack by the Japanese for the first time when Japanese forces dropped 188 bombs from aircrafts and there were 54 land based bombers. Nearly 250 Australians were killed in these bombings and with over 400 badly wounded. Many ships were bombed in the harbour and more than 15 aircrafts were destroyed. The Japanese were constantly bombing Darwin until 1943. By the times the bombs were all dropped they had dropped them 64 times.
  • Atomic Bomb of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb of Hiroshima
    August 6th 1945 Americans unleashed one of the most dangerous weapons of all known to man. The giant bomb, Equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT was unleashed in Hiroshima killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians’. Meanwhile when the Japanese were still trying to deal with the disaster the American’s decided to drop another bomb just 3 days later at around 2:45 in the morning. This was one of the worst bombings in history and marks the end of ww2.
  • Decleration of Human rights

    Decleration of Human rights
    On the 10th of December 1948 the Universal Declaration was adopted by the united nations. A rule was brought in that each and every human should have a say of what they feel. That we are all equals no matter what race or what sex. Australia played a major role in the declaration of human rights as they were one of the 8 nations that were involved in the draft of Universal declaration. This was very important as everyone should be treated as equals.
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    The Melbourne OLYMPICS took place on the 22nd of November and closed on the 8th of December. This OLYMPICS was a great success for Australia finishing third overall just behind America. It brought many people to Australia to watch the events and also made some people fall inlove with our country so they decided to live here. It was the First ever time Australia had held the OLYMPICS but was followed up by Sydney almost 50 years later. This was important in Australias history as we did very well
  • Invention of the Internet

    Invention of the Internet
    The invention of the internet came into place in American in the cold war. The internet was the United Nations Secret weapon and served for transmitting messages and data. There is no real inventor for the internet as it goes back to times of Thomas Edison. One of the main founders of the internet did not seek such value in this and gave it away for free and not earning any money. This marks an important day in history as it helped United Nations and many people these days could not live without
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    In American 1962 an American spy plane had been secretly photographing a nuclear missile site being built in the Soviet union. President John F Kennedy did not want the soviet union to find out that he knew they were building nuclear missiles. After many weeks of Discussion, President JK decided to place naval ships around Cuba so they could not enforce any more supplies for nuclear missiles. This was an important event as American’s believed they were under attack.
  • Martin Luther King Jnr Speach: I have a dream

    In august 1963 Martin Luther King Jnr gave a speech that would change the way people look at Negros and different cultures forever. His speech was for freedom rights saying that no one should be judged on the colour of their skin but the way they treat others. This is the greatest speech ever and is important in history for free rights.
  • Australia Freedom Rides

    Australia Freedom Rides
    In February 1965 a group of young Sydney University students decided to setup and organise a tour of the Coastal and Western New south Whales towns. The purpose of this activity was to show how poor aboriginal people’s health was and try to draw attention to their purpose. These young people tried to start a pledge to stop Aboriginal discrimination. This student managed to draw lots of attention and their efforts were even broadcasted on National TV.
  • The invention of the Mobile Phone

    The invention of the Mobile Phone
    In 1973 Martin cooper changed the world but he didn’t quite no just yet. He had created the first ever phone that cost $3,900 and an extra 50c per call. From this day forward we have moved forward from the old bricks mobile phones to touchscreen phones, ones that you can unlock with your fingerprint and ones you can scroll your eyes with. Some parents wish that phones were never invented but it is one of the best inventions known to man.
  • Release of Crocodile Dundee

    Release of Crocodile Dundee
    The release of Crocodile Dundee changed what everyone thought about Australian people and made many people stereotype how Australians talked and acted. It is the highest grossing Australian film ever and made Americans think we live in a paradise but a very dangerous paradise. Most of the film was filmed in Kakadu National park which makes it very special. It is important film as it is one of Australia’s greatest films.
  • United Nations Conventions On child rights

    United Nations Conventions On child rights
    1989 was the year that rights of children came into play. There are many rules or articles in the rights of child. Children are announced children up until the age of 18 where they can take care of themselves. This was a very important part in the worlds history as 194 countries take part in these rules.