Sherman Anti-Trust Act
*Put to place to eliminate monopolies
*Made it a felony to monopolize, team up, or trade with foreign nations
*Later led to Clayton Act 1914 -
*President Mckinley shot, and later dies from complications
*Theodoore Roosevelt signed in 26th president
*Shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, NY
*Former vice president Roosevelt begins the progressive era -
Anthracite Coal Strike
*Pennsylvania coal miners go on strike
*Demanding shorter work week and higher pay
*This threatended a coal shortage, T.R. pleaded the workers resume mining
*After threating to send in military the workers and government met in the middle with slightly shorter work week and higher pay -
Triangle Shirtwasit Fire
*Shirtwaist factory catches fire killing 146 people almost all woman
*The workers (woman) were trapped in the building due to the doors being locked shut
*Bosses had locked the doors due to woman taking smoke breaks and leaving the factory so that they were now trapped
*Majority of the woman were Eastern Europe immigrants
*The worst industrial tradegy to date
*Led to major factory saftey reforms that fueled the Progressive Era -
Prohibition of Alcohol
*The noble experiment the United States goes dry
* The 18th Amendment was enacted to try and help society by lowering corruption, poverty, and insanity
*It actually worked well in the more rural western and southern states, but did not have a chance in the northern urban states
*Mainly all this did was give boot leggers a high paying job
*1933 the 18th Amendment was repealed