Heavy books and backpacks-
BYOD making more sense as California schools struggle to recover from economic downturn -
1 to 1 students access technology
BYOD; Schools need to add a variety of access and hardware. Large public schools without lots funding from the state or federal government will struggle to keep pace with low income and chrter programs. -
Electronic books and information
While electronic books make sense...printed text will need to be available for students without internet. -
Common core changes the depth of knowledge students acquire and demonstrate
Pads, touch screen, phones
versatiity, mobile tools. i believe we will see more kids carrying these devices home in place of the textbooks and binders. -
Students collaborate in teams and are able to create, discuss and share information
Long gone are the days that the teacher does all of the talking and the kids stare off in space. School days may turn in to school nights, online and in class learning, virutal classrooms that cater to individual student's needs.