
2020 timeline

  • 1:1 iPads

    Order 100 iPads so 4th grade can be 1:1. Kindergarten and Fifth grade are already 1:1.
  • Parent Information Night

    Conduct parent information Technology Night to share vision, student work samples, BYOD policy, programs available for home use, and computer purchasing program through Computers 2SD Kids.
  • Increase online access

    Set up Second Computer Lab so grades 1-3 have increased access to connecting online
  • BYOD

    Paperwork and contracts go home to give students the opportunity to BYOD (iPads only).
  • Pilot online curriculum

    Begin Pilot of online curriculum: ST Math, Imagine Learning, Qwerty Town (typing), Defined Stem, and Myon
  • PBL

    Project Based Learning site mentors train staff to implement at least one project using the resources: BUCK Institute & Defined Stem
  • iPads go home

    Secure insurance contracts and parent agreement contracts. ipads owned by school can now go back and forth from home to school. These can be used for homework and project learning at home.
  • LMS

    Teachers are trained and utilize online learning communities for students.
  • Evaluation

    Technology Committee will evaluate through survey & iPad 1:1 pilot study data (through SDCOE) to recommend programs for purchase.
  • Online library

    Myon is ordered so all students can access online library books at their specific reading level. Books can be accessed on campus or at home. Myon collects data on student growth and monitors time spent reading.
  • New Learning Environment

    Lab Classroom is set up with alternate learning environment which includes yoga balls, couches, and carpet space for easy student collaboration. White boards are mounted around the room for project planning.
  • Fllipped Classroom

    Teachers and parents are trained on the "flipped classroom" model which will be implemented in the 2016-2017 school year. All grades are 1:1 iPads and they are carried between school and home for use in both environments.
  • Paperless

    Our school operates in a totally paperless environment. All assignments are completed online and presented using apple TV. Google docs is used to house student online portfolios.
  • Service Learning

    Staff is trained on how to integrate community-oriented projects. Professionals and other community members are included in the learning model for students.
  • Internships

    Students come to campus part-time, learn from home part-time, and work in the community through internship opportunities. This is grade level dependent. Students in lower grades have more socialization/structured days.
  • School Choice

    Students choose whether to come on campus or learn from home. Teachers post assignments that students must collaborate on to complete. Flipped classroom strategy is used often. Social and play environment are required for all young learners and community service is required for older students.