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2000's Digital Inventions

  • First camera phone invented

    First camera phone invented
    In November 2000, Japan created the first ever back facing camera for cellphones. This allowed for everyone to take pictures at any given moment at the click of a button.
  • USB Thumbdrive 2.0

    USB Thumbdrive 2.0
    Trek Technology released a 2.0 version of USB's thumb drives in Singapore. This version allowed for faster data transfers.
  • Release of Mac OS X

    Release of Mac OS X
    Apple releases the first ever version of Mac OS X. Mac was known for simplistic and advanced technology.
  • iRobot releases Roomba

    iRobot releases Roomba
    The iRobot releases the Roomba which allowed for easy house cleaning with an automatic, electronic vacuum.
  • Macbook Air Released

    Macbook Air Released
    The first ever Macbook Air is released. The lighter and more compact laptop allows for more mobile endeavors.
  • Period: to

    2000's Digital Inventions