3500 BCE
Mesopotamia, Development of Cuneiform
Cuneiform was invented by the ancient Samaritans in 3,500 BCE.
https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/who-invented-cuneiform -
2000 BCE
Egypt, Development of Early Hebrew Alphabet
The earliest piece of Hebrew writing was found in Egypt in 20th century BCE. No punctuation or grammar. No spaces between words and read from right to left.
http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/alphabet_history.html -
Period: 1996 BCE to 400 BCE
Middle East/Egypt, Abraham to the end of the Old Testament
The time when God inspired Abraham to lead his people to a promised land. Journey of Abraham's people struggling to obey God in the quest.
https://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/media/articles/important-dates-of-the-old-testament/ -
1910 BCE
Egypt, Joseph sold into Slavery
Because Joseph was preferred by his dad, his brothers were jealous. This motivated his brothers to sell Joseph into slavery. http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/e3.htm -
1900 BCE
Dead Sea Area, Fall of Sodom and Gomorrah
The two sin cities, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God. https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/sodom-and-gomorrah/ -
1900 BCE
Egypt, Joseph works for Potiphar
Because Joseph was sold into slavery, Potiphar bought him as a slave. However, Potiphar's wife was harassing Joseph and made him into trouble. https://www.thoughtco.com/who-was-potiphar-in-the-bible-363356 -
1890 BCE
Egypt, Joseph in Prison
Because Joseph was accused for having affairs with Potiphar's wife, he was sent to prison. https://www.thoughtco.com/who-was-potiphar-in-the-bible-363356 -
1880 BCE
Egypt, Joseph becomes Second in Command
The Pharaoh had a dream which he wanted to be interpreted. His advisor remembered Joseph and brought him to see the Pharaoh. Joseph told what the Pharaoh's dream meant, and given the role of the second in command of Egypt. https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/philosophy-and-religion/biblical-proper-names-biographies/joseph -
1878 BCE
Egypt, Pharaoh Senwosret II
Pharaoh Senwosret II lived and ruled from 1887 to 1878 BCE. https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/phar/hd_phar.htm -
1871 BCE
Moriah, Abraham Almost Sacrificing Isaac
From this story, we can learn that God is always faithful to his words. He kept his promise with Abraham that he would have a son with Sarah. In addition, this story foreshadows the coming of Jesus. In this story, Isaac was the sacrifice for God. Though later in time, Jesus becomes the sacrificial lamb for us away from our sins. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/bible-interpretation/binding-sacrifice-isaac/ -
1842 BCE
Israel, Birth of Ishmael
Ishmael was born in Israel in 1842 BCE. https://www.thebiblejourney.org/biblejourney2/23-the-journeys-of-adam-enoch-noah-abraham/the-birth-of-ishmael/ -
1687 BCE
Fertile Crescent, God Makes Covenant with Abram
The time when God made His covenant with Abram was when he was 99 years old. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/history/firstcovenant.shtml -
1653 BCE
Fertile Crescent, God's New Covenant with Abram
Abram was 99 when the second covenant was made between him and God. https://bible.org/seriespage/whats-new-about-new-covenant-hebrews-86-13 -
1500 BCE
Fertile Crescent, Book of Genesis Written
The approximate date believed for the book of Genesis written by scholars.
2 Historical Narratives, 1 Poetry, 1 Genealogy
Cht 1-11: Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel
Cht 12-50: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_675.cfm -
785 BCE
Nubia, Kingdom of Kush
The Kingdom of Kush was founded in a region along the Nile River.
https://www.ancient.eu/Kush/ -
Period: 5 to 90
Isreal, Jesus to the acts of his disciples
Man named Jesus Christ was sent to the Earth by God. He shows the people what God truly wants of his creation. After Christ returned to the Kingdom of God, his disciples and followers went on to preach and spread His words.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Acts-of-the-Apostles-New-Testament -
Jerusalem, Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was placed on the cross.
https://www.biblicalfoundations.org/when-was-jesus-born-and-when-did-he-die/ -
Jacob Typology #2
In Genesis 28, Jacob dreamed of the a stairway which angels came down. In John 1:47-51, Jesus also spoke to Nathanial about the path between heaven and Earth. However, Jesus explained that he is the truth and the way to reach the heavens. -
Antioch, Paul's first Missionary Journey
Paul's first missionary trip to a number of cities in the Mediterranean.
Antioch to Cyprus, Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe
http://christianityinview.com/paulstimeline.html -
Antioch, Paul's second Missionary Journey
The second time Paul goes on a missionary trip.
Antioch to Cilicia, Lycaonia, Galatia
http://christianityinview.com/paulstimeline.html -
Antioch, Paul's third Missionary Journey
Third and final missionary trip of Paul
http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/apostle-paul-third-missionary-journey-map.html -
Rome, Great Fire of Rome
A fire was set in the Capital of Italy, Rome.
https://www.historycentral.com/dates/1ad.html -
Ghana, Houssa Tribe Oral Tradition
Houssa, a tribe from the region of Ghana. They use oral tradition to pass down history, stories, and many other important facts. https://www.britannica.com/art/African-literature/Oral-traditions-and-the-written-word -
Jacob Typology #1
Genesis 35:11-12 speaks of God blessing Jacob with a community of nations. Which did become true, the 12 tribes of Israel is a large part of the OT Bible and are greatly influenced by God. The verse Genesis 49:28 specifically touches on this, and shows how great these 12 tribes are. -
Hong Kong, Eugene Cheung's Birthday
In Hong Kong, Eugene Cheung was born into the world. -
Hong Kong, Eugene Cheung's First Day at ICS
The first day Eugene went to ICS -
Personal Reflection
Genesis 37 tells the story of Joseph sharing his dreams about him being superior to his family. His brothers got jealous and sold Joseph away. However, he was able to become a great leader in Egypt. When I first came to Hong Kong I joined a soccer team. However, after several practices, I found that the team was not at the level I played at. At first, I moaned and was frustrated. Though a talk with my parents allowed me to understand that this was actually an opportunity for leadership. -
Middle East, God's Convenant in Today
4 “As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations... God promised Abraham that he will become the father of many nations today. Although he is not the father of an actual nation, he is the origin of all three major religions in the world today (Islam, Christianity, Judaism). Many of these religions, for example Israel and Saudi Arabia, have a profound impact on the governments in the world.