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2010s Technology Inventions

  • Apple iPad

    Apple iPad
    The Apple iPad was revealed to consumers for the first time at a press conference by Steve Jobs. The iPad made computers even more portable than before, and offered users a large, interactive touch screen.
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    2010s Technology Inventions

  • Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi
    The Raspberry Pi is a complete computer built on a single circuit board. The Raspberry Pi was developed by Broadcom in order to help teach basic computer science in classrooms. It has helped thousands of students learn computer science basics.
  • iPhone 5s

    iPhone 5s
    The iPhone 5s was the first phone to be powered by a 64 bit processor. This processor revolutionized smartphones because the processor was small enough to fit on a single chip. Since the release of this phone, most smartphones have gotten thinner.
  • Alpha Go Defeats Lee Se-Dol

    Alpha Go Defeats Lee Se-Dol
    Alpha Go is a computer program developed to play the game Go. Google developed an AI program that was able to beat the world's best player without a handicap. AlphaGo was significant because it proved that artificial intelligence could out preform a human.
  • 1 Terabyte SD Card

    1 Terabyte SD Card
    Lexar develops the first SD card that can store 1 terabyte of data. This invention is significant because it will allow our future mobile devices to store up to 250,000 high quality videos or 6.5 million document pages.