2010-2020 Educational Technology

  • Tablet/iPads Launching

    Tablet/iPads Launching
    The launching of tablets/iPads became a useful source that helps students and teachers. It is a great way for kids develop cognitive learning. These items have played a major role in todays society. It has an easy accessibility for kids to learn online while watching videos and engaging into online activities. These things are making using technology in the classroom a lot easier and teaching new concepts more effectively. It provided students and teachers with various resources.
  • Internet Boom amongst Children

    Internet Boom amongst Children
    in 2011, almost 80% of children under 5 began to use the internet daily. The world is/was developing at a high level and technology at a very fast rate.
  • Chromebook

    Chromebooks were being introduced but not fully introduced to schools until 2012. Chromebooks were a cheaper and easier up keep to classrooms. They have continued to be popular among schools today.
  • Technology For Educational Purposes Funded

    Technology For Educational Purposes Funded
    1.5 million iPads/Chromebooks were provided to schools. States funding was provided to the schools to get technology to help the school stay up to date with the times of new education solutions.
  • 18 and Under Access Smart Phones

    18 and Under Access Smart Phones
    90% of students under the age of 18 have access to mobile technology.
  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    In 2014 Google Launched one of their first teaching applications, a free learning platform. In October 2015. Google estimated some 10 million students and teachers were using the app. Google Classroom makes it easier for teachers and instructors to run classes online.
  • Mobile Learning

    Mobile Learning
    The year Mobile learning was being introduced. It meets students wherever they are. Students of all generations will be able to fit their education to their lifestyle, and the convenience and affordability.
  • AI

    Artificial Intelligence, has become a popular topic recently, but is nothing new. There was a lot of attention put on AI in the 1980s-1990s and became popular again in the 2010s.
  • Ebooks

    Ebook establishment started in 2017, helped making hard-copies of books in internet. These copies were now PDFs and such to make books easily accessible online.
  • AR Powered Ebooks

    AR Powered Ebooks
    An Augmented Reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information that turns paper books into an interactive eBook. In the enhanced version of reality, readers can see, hear and take part in content. This creation is one of the most influential in education where students don't have a hard copy of a book they can have access to books on an online source.
  • Predictive Learning Analytics

    Predictive Learning Analytics
    Predictive Learning Analytics has helped gather attention for use in the classroom. This Analytic also, helps teachers with identifying learners who may need help with their work load. Also, with any kids who may not be able to complete their course work.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic

    COVID-19 Pandemic
    The COVID-19 pandemic brought A LOT of challenges to education. With the nationwide shutdown, schools had to unexpectedly move online with many teachers learning some of this technologies with their students. This forced teacher and students to rely on technology to stay in touch and as well as learn everyday. Also, both teachers and students have become more technologically fluent after this time.
  • Educational Technology

    Educational Technology
    Education Technology at the beginning of 2020 skyrocketed and still is. Mobile app are constantly making headway to show new learning concepts for teacher and students.