
2010-2020 Advancing technology and computer inventions

  • iPad

    On April 3, 2010, Apple released the iPad which is a 3rd category device that did things better then a laptop and did things better then a phone. The iPad was bigger then a phone but smaller then a laptop. You could browse and navigate the internet with just your hands and fingers. It also had everything that the iPhone had but better.
  • PS4

    Sony released the PS4 which was the Next Generation of consoles which provided amazing graphics that looked real. It took gaming to the next level with better graphics, better gameplay, and better online networks for people to play on. The PS4 could play games at 60 frames per second even in some of the most demanding games. It had broken numerous records like having over 100 million copies sold to this day.
  • Apple Pay

    Apple Pay
    Apple pay was the first payment method that allowed you to make purchases through your Apple devices such as an iPhone or an Apple watch. It was easy, secure, and kept your transactions. You could also send and receive money to your friends through your device.
  • Tesla Model 3

    Tesla Model 3
    The Tesla Model 3 was released in 2017. This was an electric car that had a reliable range, and had more to offer then just a regular car. This car had built in WIFI, dual zone climate control, and an advanced autopilot which made your car even safer. It also had a top speed of 140 mph and could do 0-60 mph in just 5.6 seconds.
  • iPhone X

    iPhone X
    iPhone X was the most advanced smart phone that came out then. It set the path of technology for the next couple of years. It has a full OLED screen, face recognition, and dual cameras. This device has changed the way smart phones are made today, because today's smart phones are all full screen, have multiple cameras, have advanced face recognition.