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2007 Trip to Europe

  • Arrived in Paris

    Arrived in Paris
    It was a long flight, but we landed in Paris at 9 am. So, there was no time to sleep we had to start on our tours of the city.
  • Went to the Lourve

    Went to the Lourve
    Went to the Lourve saw the mona lisa and the Venus de Milo
  • Period: to

    2007 Trip to Europe

    16 days traveling Europe
  • Notre Dame Cathedral

    Notre Dame Cathedral
    Went to Notre Dame Cathedral today. Didn't get to go inside the line was really long and the food they're serving us is pretty bad so we decide it was best to find something to eat
  • Lunch

    Found a nice little bistro by Notre Dame so we decide to have lunch.
  • Effiel Tower

    Effiel Tower
    We walked up a huge amount of stairs to get to the top of the Effiel tower. It was a beautiful view and we even got to see a man propose to his girlfriend.
  • carcassonne castle

    carcassonne castle
    Went to the south of France today and got to spend some time at a medieval castle almost bought a sword, but we're not allowed to have them in our luggage.
  • Train Ride to Barcelona

    Didn't take any pictures today we were just on the train all day. Four people crammed in a tiny little room is not a good thing when you're traveling for hours without stopping.
  • Barcelona at last

    Barcelona at last
    Finally off that horrible train. Thankfully our tour guide Marco is letting us relax and do our own thing today. I went to the Aquarium and then to the open markets to go shopping.
  • Guell Park

    Guell Park
    Prettiest place in Barcelona. The architect made Guell park as a resdential neighborhood for wealth families, so they could live closer to nature and farther from the city. Nobody wanted to move that far from the city, so it became a public park for everyone to enjpy. Everything here is made out of recycled material and covered in mosiacs.
  • La Sangria Family Cathedral

    La Sangria Family Cathedral
    This is the coolest church I have ever seen and its not expected to be finished until 2050, and they have already be working on it for 20 or 30 years. The building is covered in images from the Bible including the crucifixion
  • Back in France

    Back in France
    We caught on a Bus last night and traveled back into the south of France. We stopped in Cannes and finally got to spend a day at the beach.
  • Italia

    Finished the bus ride to Pisa, Italy and got to see the leaning tower. Sorry, but it is not as spectacular as everyone makes it sound.
  • The Statue of David

    The Statue of David
    Found out the statue of David that is outside in the square is actually a reproduction the really statue is housed in the museum and it's a three hour wait to see it.
  • colosseum

    Went to the colosseum it is so cool to walk around. The sad thing is people have been damaging the building by writing their names on the walls. The were getting ready to have a concert, so the stage was being set up over the old colosseum floor.
  • Shopping

    Marco let us shop in Rome today. We got to see local art students decorating the sidewalk. Marco said students were required to spend one day earning money just like past artist did on a daily basis.
  • Pompeii

    Pompeii is just amazing with the beautiful architecture and mosiacs. It almost spooky to walk around and see homes and businesses abandoned with everything still inside.
  • Gelato in Firenze

    Gelato in Firenze
    Went shopping around Firenze and had the best Gelato ever. They make it fresh every day and with all natural ingredients, so it blows ice cream out of the water!!
  • Last full day in Europe

    Last full day in Europe
    Traveled by boat to the island of Capri to spend the day shopping and walking the perfume gardens.
  • Getting ready for the flight home

    Getting ready for the flight home
    We are all packed up for the flight back to the states. I decided it would be fun to get a picture of everyone together before we left the hotel.