By 703671
  • Period: to


  • non getting enough sleep.

    non getting enough sleep.
    Starts tio get illregular sleep and then finally get medicen for it.
  • Goal to start sports

    Goal to start sports
    Starts sports and start coming athletic more strength and start to imporve
  • Mom and Dad have a divorce

    Mom and Dad have a divorce
    Mom and dad break up and cause a stressfull event in life. Boy starts to go to consuling and start to do sports to get it off his mind.
  • Feel sorrow and depression starts.

    Feel sorrow and depression starts.
    Starts to be upset due to his best friend dying due to drinking and driving. Starts to think about being healthy and not doing what his friend did.
  • Frind starts to drink.

    Frind starts to drink.
    Starting to drink and drive. Start to get in fights. Going to jail. Cause harm to others or him.
  • Learns that his family has a history of diabetes

    Learns that his family has a history of diabetes
    Starts to eat healthy and starts to work out and learn about the desieas and what the effect is on you. Eats regulary foods and starts to check for diabetes and starts to stay more active.
  • Mom starts smoking

    Mom starts smoking
    Mom can get lung cancer and die. She can cause others lung cancer from second hand smoke and she is at risk of other cancers.
  • Takes keys away from friend after drinking.

    Takes keys away from friend after drinking.
    Tell your friend that it can kill you if you crash and it can cause you to get into jail.
  • Sick with the flu

    Sick with the flu
    Go to the doctors. Get medicne and sleep and drink a lot of fluids. Get shots for vacines. Stay away from people and then wash hands.
  • Puberty Begins

    Puberty Begins
    Starts getting sexually active. Satrts getting emotions in situations.
  • Staying Abstence

    Staying Abstence
    Stay alive, no drugs, and stay out of jail.