First camera phone to come out
It was manufactured by Japan's SoftBank. The phone was called J- Phone J-SH04. It made a huge dent on how people would connect based on being able to have a camera accessible. -
Mac OS X
Mac released new software called Mac OS X which provided more apps and reliable platforms. This would begin a new era of how applications would be the new form of business connecting with consumers. -
Earth Simulator
The Earth Simulator is the first fastest computer made by the Japanese government.This was a huge game changer for how computers all over the world would change an devolve. -
PowerMac G5
PowerMac G5 was made by Macintosh and was seen to over pass the Earth Simulator computer. It was the fastest computer of its time. Mac just kept pushing for a faster processor. -
The first major web page to make a huge dent on search engines comes out. It is the most used to locate information, even today it is the holy grail of the internet.