Obama clinton and bush


  • Hainan Island

    Hainan Island
    During the flight of an American Naval flight, the collided mid-air with a Chinese J-8II interceptor fighter jet. After the collision, the Americans were forced to make an emergency landing on the island. When they landed the 24 people on board the plane were detained and got asked many questions by the Chinese. Later on during the investigation, the naval engineers said the plane could be repaired in 8-12 months but the Chinese wouldn't let them take the aircraft.
  • 9/11

    Al-Qaeda terrorists attacked on September11,2001.4planes hit in 4 different places in the united states.1 crashed into the right tower of the world trade center,another in the left,1 in the pentagon in D.C.,and the last in a field in Pennsylvania.There were over3,000casualties including more than400police officers and firefighters.Osama bin Laden,the guy behind the attacks,remained hidden until May2,2011,when he was found and killed by U.S. forces,led by Obama,at a hideout in Pakistan.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    The invasion of Afghanistan happened shortly after the 9/11 attacks, led by George Bush. It is also known as the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Their goal was to dismantle al-Qaida and to remove Taliban from power. The United Kingdom offered support for the military from the start of the invasion.NATO became involved as an alliance in 2003. Bush made his speech at the Virginia Military Institute in 2002, which resulted in the discussion of a ‘Marshall Plan’ for Afghanistan.
  • Bush Doctrine

    Bush Doctrine
    Vows to prevent all enemy the U.S. sees an a threat.Bush and his advisers said they were going to follow Wilsonianism in foreign affairs by promoting democracy in the Middle East. Isolating enemy states that comprise the "Axis of Evil" comprising Iraq, Iran, and North Korea."If there is anyone in the world today who doubts the seriousness of the Bush Doctrine, I would urge that person to consider the fate of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq." -Bush.
  • Gulf war ll

    Gulf war ll
    U.S. led coalition to invade Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. In May George w. Bush declares the main part of the war in Iraq is over. Troops remain to fight an insurgency against the U.N. approved elected government last troops withdrawn by Obama in December 2011. Some troops redeployed to Iraq to assist in the fight against the Islamic in June 2014.
  • False weapons of mass destruction in iraq

    False weapons of mass destruction in iraq
    Senate Collin Powell's report says US and allies went to war in Iraq on false information since no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.Due to scale and most of the war international support for U.S.led actions to weaken.Continuing war in Iraq has serious negative impact on the U.S.Relative decline of U.S.power starts on the international scene along with the growth of anti-Americanism and the rise of the multiple worlds of BRICS. Which stand for Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
  • Drone Attacks on Pakistan

    Drone Attacks on Pakistan
    The series of unmanned drone attacks in Pakistan started in 2004 and they are still going on today. The attacks are being run by the CIA's Special Activities Division. These strikes started under George W. Bush and then later picked up more heavily by the Obama administration. These attacks are very disliked by the Pakistani people, giving the U.S. a bad reputation in Pakistan. Leaked military documents reveal that the intended targets are only killed 13% of the time.
  • Drug trafficking

    Drug trafficking
    George W. Bush steps up efforts in the war on drugs through the Merida Initiative. A security cooperation between the U.S., Mexico and Central America with the goal of fighting drug trafficking organizations and other drug related crimes. It was made one of the top priority of bilateral cooperation and aid package called Plan Colombia between the U.S. and Colombia by the Clinton administration in 2000 creating a plan to fight drugs and contribute to peace, mainly through the military.
  • START treaty

    START treaty
    The new START Treaty signed by U.S. President Obama and Russian President Medvedev in Prague. It replaces the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. The treaty was meant to reduce and limit strategic offensive arms.The treaty barred its signatories from deploying more than 6,000 nuclear warheads atop a total of 1,600 inter-continental ballistic missiles and bombers.
  • Operation Neptune's Spear

    Operation Neptune's Spear
    U.S. special forces, Navy Seals, kill al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in an operation in the Pakistan. Barack Obama and William H. McRaven were the lead commanders in the raid. The raid was launched from Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda confirmed the death on May 6 with posts made on activist websites, vowing to avenge the killing.There were five killed and seventeen captured. large crowds spontaneously gathered outside the White House, Ground Zero, The Pentagon and in New York's Times Square to celebrate.
  • Troops are pulled out of Iraq

    Troops are pulled out of Iraq
    In May 2007, 55% of Americans believed that the Iraq War was a mistake, and 51% of registered voters favored troop withdrawal. In late April 2007, Congress passed a supplementary spending bill for Iraq that set a deadline for troop withdrawal but President Bush had vetoed this bill. Later on, the Bush administration had made an agreement and signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. which defined a deadline for December 31, 2011.
  • National Security Agency surveillance scandal

    National Security Agency surveillance scandal
    As a result of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden's revealing leaking information on internet and telephone surveillance by U.S. intelligence. Snowden fled to Russia. U.S. demands his extradition and are refused. The National Security Agency's secret operation mining phone and internet data are involved. Obama claimed that there is "no spying on Americans", and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney asserted that the surveillance programs revealed by Snowden have been authorized by Congress.
  • U.S. Threatens air attack on Syria

    U.S. Threatens air attack on Syria
    President Obama wanted to issue an air strike on Syria for killing kids in unconventional ways. Obama wanted to issue an air strike on them whether or not the United Nations, congress, the public, or Britain, stood by him or not. He was ready to come out of isolation and fix the problem in Syria that he had warships armed with tomahawks right in the Mediterranean sea. The outcome never ended up having missiles fired. They reached an agreement to destroy all the chemical weapons.
  • Obama orders troops back to iraq

    Obama orders troops back to iraq
    President Obama orders the return of a small number of troops to Iraq to help bolster Iraqi and Kurdish military forces in their war with the Islamic State of Iraq and ISIS.The creation of the Islamic State is rooted in the insurgency against the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.Obama sent 1,500 troops back to Iraq in 2014.Administration officials said they expect international allies will help in the training effort and announced a commitment of 120 military personnel from Denmark to the cause.
  • Embargo on Cuba

    Embargo on Cuba
    During the Obama administration, they had taken many efforts to lift the embargo on Cuban. Although the Obama administration did not lift the entire thing, they did lift certain restrictions of it. One thing they lifted from the embargo was that U.S. citizens could now freely travel to Cuba and also bring home up to $100.00 in either rum or Cuban cigars for personal use only. It also lifted that any freight liner would not have to wait for 180 days to come to the U.S. after docking in Cuba.
  • Iran Nuclear Deal

    Iran Nuclear Deal
    This was a deal made by the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany, China, the European Union, and Iran. the meeting was held to ensure that Iran would redesign, remake, and reduce their Nuclear-related weapons and factories. Also, during the deal they added additional provisions to the deal they made, in turn, to free up ten's of millions of dollars in oil and their frozen assets.
  • Trumps Travel Ban

    Trumps Travel Ban
    In 2017, During Trumps first couple months as the POTUS, he has issued a travel ban on several middle eastern countries known as Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. This travel ban was issued by Trump himself by an executive order. The executive order placed a ban on immigrants from coming into the U.S.for 180 days. The media blew his travel ban executive order out of the water making trump look like a huge racist by saying it was a ban on the Muslims when it was a ban on everyone.