
  • Bluetooth Connectivity

    Bluetooth Connectivity
    Inventor: Jaap Haartsen
    Bluetooth is a low power, short range wireless technology, and it is used for exchanging data between devices over short areas. Made wired connections for a lot of things not necessary. A lot of devices now days have this technology. Such as, speakers, refrigerators, lights, and headphones to name a few.
  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    Inventors: Amir Ban, Dov Moran, and Oron Ogdan of M-Systems
    USB flash drives have made it incredibly easy for us to be able to store data on a small device which has many advantages. Over the years the speeds and sizes of storage space have increased exponentially. You can also use them on tons of devices. For example, computers, video game consoles, DVD players, cars, tablets, and smart phones.
  • iPod

    Inventor: Tony Fadell
    A series of portable media players and multi purpose mobile devices. A lot more smaller and compact compared to Walkmans. Made it very easy to download tons of music on a compact device. Found an interesting piece of information, Steve Jobs dropped one of the early versions of the iPod in a fish tank in front of designers and pointed out the air bubbles that came out. Stating that there is more internal space to be saved.
  • Blu Ray

    Blu Ray
    Inventor: Blu-ray Disc Association, a group representing makers of consumer electronics, computer hardware, and motion pictures. Blu ray gets it name from the lasers that is used to read the disc. This laser allows more information to be stored and at a higher quality than the regular red lasers used for DVDs. Blu ray uses up to 1920 by 1080 pixel resolution with up to 60 frames per second, DVD only used 480 pixel resolution.
  • iPhone

    Inventor: Steve Jobs iPhone is kind of smartphone designed by Apple and runs off the iOS operating system. The iPhone assisted with the shift towards mobile computing. Today iPhones are basically super computers you can carry in your pocket. The first iPhone release with 8GB of storage, today you can get up tp 1TB of storage.