2000-Present (Tues/Thurs Students)

  • The 2000 Census

    The 2000 Census
    The 2000 Census enumerates a population of 281,421,906 people increasing 13.2% since 1990.
  • Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Rodham CLinton wins a seat for the United States Senate from New York. It is the 1st time a former First Lady held public office.
  • Presidental Election

    Presidental Election
    Presidental Election, Supreme Court of United States voted in favor of Bush.
  • 9/11

    The attack of September 11, 2011, was the result of several years of planning. There were 19 slamic terroist members that hijacked Four U.S. airplanes. Two planes were flown into The World Trade Centers. The 3rd plane was crashed into the Pentagon, the US military headquarters in Washington, D.C. The 4th plane was heroically crashed by passengers into the ground in Pennsylvania. More than 3,000 people died in these attacks.
  • Anthrax

    Anthrax attacks by mail from Pinceton, NJ against News & Government targets. Federal officials announce the !st case on October 4.
  • War on Terror

    War on Terror
    Due to September 11, the War on Terror was introduced.
  • NASA

    A Tragedy @ NASA occured when the Space Shuttle of Columbia explodes upon reentry over Texas. All seven astronaunts inside were killed.
  • Saddam Hussein

    Saddam Hussein
    Saddam Hussein, former leader of IRAQ was captured in a small bunker in Tikrit by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division.
  • Tsunami

    The Southeast Tsunami occured following a 9.3 Richter Scale Earthquake in the Indian ocean. 2,090 people died from Sri Lanka to Indonesia, creating one of the greatest humanitarion tragedies in history.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina striked the Gulf Coast and over 1,300 people perished from Alabama to Louisiana. This is one of the worst natural disasters to strike the United States.
  • Mid-Term

    The Mid-Term elections in 2006, both House of Congress changed back to Democratic hands for the 1st time since 1994. This is seen as a referendum by many on the Iraq policy of the Bush administration as well as personal Republican scandals among some House and Senate members.
  • Terror Plot

    Terror Plot
    A Terror Plot to blow up the JFK International Airport in NYC was thwarted when 4 terroists were arrested and charged.
  • President Barack Obama

    President Barack Obama
    President Barack Obama, was the first African-American to be elected president with a 52.8% of votes. Obama is the 44th president.
    During his presidency he accomplished great acts such as signing executive orders to close all secrect prisions and detention camps ran by the C.I.A.
    Obama promised to support same sex marriage and support same sex adoption.
    He also created the healthcare act which caused controversy.
  • H1N1 Virus

    H1N1 Virus
    The H1N1 is also know as the Swine Flu. Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in a barking cough, decreased appetite, nasal secretions, and listless behavior.
    This virus is called the swine Flu because it was similar to those found in pigs. It deemed a global pandemic by the world organization.This is the first such designation since the Hong Kong Flu in 1967- 1968.
  • Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson was a life long musician, pop singer, and superstar. he died at age 50,
    Michael Jackson had the highest-selling album in U.S. history. The album "Thriller" sold over 29 million copies.
    The charitable superstar often wore a black armband to remind people of the suffering of children around the world.
    Jackson allegedly owed the library $1 million in rental fees at one point, even though his estate is worth hundreds of times more than that.
  • Oil Spill

    Oil Spill
    In the year of 2010, there was an explosion and fire on the deepwater horizon oil rig.
    This was the largest off-shore spill in U.S history. It was also the largest spill in world history.
  • Osama Bin Laden

    Osama Bin Laden
    Osama Bin Laden was a Islamic terrorist and the founder of the Islamist Militant group (Al- Quaeda).
    He was the mastermind behind the september 11 attacks. He was wanted by the F.B.I for over a decade and he was finally assinated in his compound near Islamabad, Pakistan.He was shot in the head and his chest killing him instantly.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    Hurricane Sandy came ashore in northern New Jersey and the powerful storm made its way to the east coast. it damaged NASAS wallops flight facility in Wallops Island, V.A. Hurricane sandy caused at least 132 deaths and about 82 billion in damage. N.J, N.Y, and Connecticut got hit the hardest.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was a activist and former president of South Africa. (1994-1999). He was sent to prison for 27 years for trying to overthrow the proapartheid government. He was a global advocate for Human Rights and many more. Nelson Mandela died at the age 95 due to suffering from a respiratory infection
  • Ebola Virus

    Ebola Virus
    Ebola is a rare disease caused by an infection that spreads through direct contact with blood and bodily fluids of a person already showing symtoms of Ebola.
    Ebola is not spread through air, water, food, or mosquitoes. This virus was intially detected in 1976 more than 35 years ago in sudan and Demorcractic Republic Of Congo
  • Ferguson police

    Ferguson police
    The Justice Department releases a report showing that the Ferguson Police has discriminated against and violated the constitutional rights of the city's African-American residents. Using data from 2012-2014, the report includes stats such as 93% of the arrests made during that time were black citizens, based on an African-American population of 67% in Ferguson, Missouri. The report includes examples of racist remarks used in emails