Untitled, Joe Andoe
This image is an oil on linen painting this image is apart of a complete Untiled series from Andoe. -
Angel B By Gary Hume
Angel B This portaral of Angel B is a part of Hume angel series. The distorted images are his representation of angels in his life. -
Quattro Mani / Marrakech III, Robert Rauschenberg,
Quattromani This is a multiphoto screen print. 36 X 36 inches. -
Untitled, Terry Winters
Untiled This image is a lithograph done in three colors.This was made to the music of Tricia Brown Dance Company. -
Under a Blood Red Sky, Faith Ringgold
Under a Blood Red sky
This is a colored etching from Faith Ringgold. This image is displaying a part of a story about the sky and the blood that was shead in previous years. -
Getting Ready for the Ball, Paula Rego
Getting Ready for the bull
This is a three part image of women getting ready for a ball and the different stages broken into the three images. -
Garden, Marc Quinn
Untitled By Terry Winters
Binarry Uppercase
Binary Uppercase Ink, opaque watercolor, and graphite pencil on paper, I code that can be entered into a computer and will take you to a website for the artisit. -
A Drawing in five Parts, Richard Serra
A Drawing in Five PartsThis image was inspired by sand dunes in San Fransisco where the artisit Serra grew up. This piece is comprised offive 40" X 40" Square canvas'. The medium used is a paint stick on handmade paper -
Harper’s pictorial history of the civil war, Kara Walker
Harper's Pictoral history of the civil war This image is of one of Kara Walkers famous black and white images. This image is of a women running away from something. -
.Lightside/Darkside, Marina Abramovic
Light Side Dark Side
This image Lightsidie/ Darkside is a photograph that was taken as apart a series of photos by Abramovic. This image uses a great deal of contrast in a black and white image. -
Things Pass By in the Night: Murmuration 5, Alice Aycock
Things Pass By the night Opaque watercolor, acrylic, wax crayon, and graphite pencil on paper. Image of fireflies in the night. -
Morgenthau Plan, Anselm Kiefer
Morganthau Acrylic, emulsion, oil, and shellac on inkjet prints mounted on canvas. 3 panels laminated -
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:, Michele Abeles
Re: Re: Re: Re:
This image from Michele Abeles is a collage of photo images that she took and collaged into one image. It is an inkjet print mounted onboard.