61rrwuko9wl. ac sx679

20 facts timeline

  • There will be starting a war between China and Japan

    There will be starting a war between China and Japan
  • Spain will be intervenging this war as it indirectly affects all of us because China, its market, is one of the largest tributaries of ours (the European one).

    Spain will be intervenging this war as it indirectly affects all of us because China, its market, is one of the largest tributaries of ours (the European one).
  • The war between China and Japan will be ending with the defeat of Japan

    The war between China and Japan will be ending with the defeat of Japan
  • Ana Cardona, Paula Fontarosa and Ana Rodríguez will be making lesbinas one day when they will be eating at a restaurant called trufatrufa mira mi bazuka.

    Ana Cardona, Paula Fontarosa and Ana Rodríguez will be making lesbinas one day when they will be eating at a restaurant called trufatrufa mira mi bazuka.
  • The United States will be hit by a large number of tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes while the rest of the world suffers from strong windstorms.

    The United States will be hit by a large number of tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes while the rest of the world suffers from strong windstorms.
  • Russia will be completely divided and reduced to the territory of Moscow alone.

    Russia will be completely divided and reduced to the territory of Moscow alone.
  • A revolution will be taking place throughout China to end the dictatorship and when it is over, a communist system will have been imposed.

    A revolution will be taking place throughout China to end the dictatorship and when it is over, a communist system will have been imposed.
  • There will be producing the first trip to Jupiter

    There will be producing the first trip to Jupiter
  • An alien race will be coming into contact with the human race and will teach their knowledge

    An alien race will be coming into contact with the human race and will teach their knowledge
  • They will be playing a new sport called humanalien fuchiball (just like football but with aliens).

    They will be playing a new sport called humanalien fuchiball (just like football but with aliens).
  • A tournament will be played to see who is the best in the galaxy playing humanalien fuchiball.

    A tournament will be played to see who is the best in the galaxy playing humanalien fuchiball.
  • Pepita must have come back to life to be able to continue teaching history classes, since she will surely be outraged at how the world is changing when she is dead.

    Pepita must have come back to life to be able to continue teaching history classes, since she will surely be outraged at how the world is changing when she is dead.
  • They will be trying to build a time machhine

    They will be trying to build a time machhine
  • It will have discovered that Natalia (our English teacher, who, by the way, is the best), is immortal.

    It will have discovered that Natalia (our English teacher, who, by the way, is the best), is immortal.
  • They will be inventing the first flying car

    They will be inventing the first flying car
  • Lamborghini will be in a competition with Ferrari to see which of the two prestigious brands will succeed in producing a car that can teleport.

    Lamborghini will be in a competition with Ferrari to see which of the two prestigious brands will succeed in producing a car that can teleport.
  • Spain will have become the most loved country by aliens and the rest of the world, all obviously thanks to the charisma we have.

    Spain will have become the most loved country by aliens and the rest of the world, all obviously thanks to the charisma we have.
  • France will be disappearing from the world

    France will be disappearing from the world
  • A crazy man named Aghbuladumilanula will have destroyed the planet

    A crazy man named Aghbuladumilanula will have destroyed the planet
  • All humans will be living on a planet called holacasayujulacatula

    All humans will be living on a planet called holacasayujulacatula