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20 Events of the 20th Century

  • Wright Brothers fly first Airplane.

    Wright Brothers fly first Airplane.
    Wilbur and Orville Wright fly the world's first powered airplane.
  • Albert Einstein invents Special Theory of Relativity.

    Albert Einstein invents Special Theory of Relativity.
    Albert Einstein invents his Special Theory of Relativity. The General theory follows soon after.
  • Henry Ford invents world's first assembly line

    Henry Ford invents world's first assembly line
    Henry Ford mass produces the Model T car with his assembly line.
  • World War I Begins.

    World War I Begins.
    Tensions climax as several countries begin to declare war on eachother, starting World War I.
  • Russian Revolutin ends; Communists take power.

    Russian Revolutin ends; Communists take power.
    The Russian Communist Revolution ends with the overthrowing of the Czar in place of the new government system: Communism.
  • Women gain the right to vote.

    Women gain the right to vote.
    Women gain the right to vote in elections.
  • Charles Lindbergh crosses Atlantic in first solo flight.

    Charles Lindbergh crosses Atlantic in first solo flight.
    Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic alone to make the world's first non-stop solo flight.
  • Penecillin discovered.

    Penecillin discovered.
    Alexander Fleming discover the antibiotic, Penicillin.
  • U.S. Stock Market crashes.

    U.S. Stock Market crashes.
    The U.S. Stock Market crashes overnight, leading into the Great Depression.
  • Nazi Party gains power in Germany.

    Nazi Party gains power in Germany.
    Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany; the Nazi Party takes control.
  • The Television is introduced.

    The Television is introduced.
    At the New York World Fair, the Television makes it's original debut.
  • Germany invades Poland; World War II begins.

    Germany invades Poland; World War II begins.
    Germany invades Poland, starting World War II.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.
    The Japanese send a surprise bombing on Pearl Harbor, marking the beginning of American involvement in the Pacific Ocean in World War II.
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    The Allied Invasion of Normandy signals the beginning of the end of World War II.
  • Nazi Concentration Camps exposed.

    Nazi Concentration Camps exposed.
    Nazi Concentration Camps in Germany and Poland are discovered by Allied Troops.
  • U.S.A. Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    U.S.A. Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The United States drops Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrenders days later.
  • Structure of DNA discovered.

    Structure of DNA discovered.
    Linus Pauling discovers the structure of DNA.
  • Effective Polio vaccine invented.

    Effective Polio vaccine invented.
    Dr. Jonas Salik invents the world's first proven vaccine for Polio.
  • School Segregation abolished.

    School Segregation abolished.
    Equal rights are gained by all races in Public Schools.
  • Space Race begins.

    Space Race begins.
    The Russian launch of Sputnik, the world's first space satellite, begins the Space Race.