My goal
My goal is to have and implement a fitness plan back into my life." the important thing to remember is that these are your goals, not your parent's, teacher's, or anyone else's.(2.4 P1) -
Dreaming big, starting small
Ill simply work out every other week, but after a while I will start running every day except Sunday, than every day. " goals should be seen as the critical steps we take on the path to our dreams" (2.4 P3). -
The rewards
A more successful track season, faster times, aswell as a healthier life, and more restful nights sleep. -
What this goal will do for me
Over the next 12 weeks I will work out every other day running. This goal will help me maintain good fitness as well as help me train for track. " parents and teachers need to provide guidance around goal setting"(2.4 P2)