2.3 My current healthy lifestyles
I am evaluate my healthy lifestyles, I'm not kind of proud of myself because I don't eat 2-3 fruits or vegetables per day. I usually ate 1 or 2 meals per day, I definitely need to change my habits of food because i do exercise more than 150 minutes 3-5 days per week so I should eat fruits and vegetables more so I am able to stabilize my healthy lifestyles. I am currently college student, there is always party involved drinking every weekends so I need to change my habits for a better healthy. -
2.4 Potential consequences of my lifestyle
After reading lifestyles on Chapter 3, that is definitely what scares me the most the obesity. I knew my family history, most of us are experience health problems diabetics, heart, high blood pressure, etc. I need to watch how I eat my food, exercise every day and to watch my weights because i am getting older so that means I need to think of my health in the future. I am more concerned about me being pregnant because i knew that is the hardest part to back exercise and eat right.