The Assassination of Alexander I
On his way to the winter palance is carriage was bombed by a person in the crowd. In result of this the reform was set back. This gave alexanders son Nicholas 2 alot of responsibilitys. -
The Deceborist Revolution
Russian army officers leader soldiers in a protest against Nicholas 1 assumption of the throne. In result of this the deceborist were deported to Siberia. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
A manifesto was proclaimed in which the emancipation the serfs on private estates and of the domestic serfs. In result to this the private estate serfs were given less land which lead to civil unrest. -
The Russian Japenese War
Was the first war of the 20th century. I was a war between the Russiains and the Japenese with a Japenese victory. The war was ended by the treaty of portsmouth. -
The Revolution of 1905
Was centered on the desire to have a interative goverment and basic rights. This caused significan reforms. -
Bloody Sunday
It started as a peaceful protest by steel workers on the winter palace to plead Czar Nicholas II Which was not present and instead the protesters were gunned down by panicky soliders. -
World war one russia involvment start
russia enters WW1 -
Czar Nicholas 2 adbacted the russian throne
Nicholas II gives up his throne. -
The March Revolution
Nicholas II abdacted the throne. -
Russia ends involvement with world war 1
Russia ends involvment.