19th Century Territory Aquisitions

By mfish33
  • Thomas Jefferson elected

    Was responsible for
    -Louisiana purchase
    -Removal of whiskey tax
    -Advocated for states rights
    -Cuting government spending
  • Louisiana purchase

    The french sold the U.S 800,000 square miles of land in exchange for 15 million dollars. Some thought it was unconstitutional because it did not specifically say in the constitution that presidents could buy land. Jefferson argued back that he has the right to make a treaty with foreign powers, wich this purchase falls under.
  • James Madison elected

  • James Monroe elected

  • Adams–Onís Treaty/Florida treaty

    Treaty that ceded flordia from spanish controll to U.S. This followed the independance of West flordia and the coninues upreisings in east flordia.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Warned European powers about involving themselves with political matters in the New World. The U.S believed they were the only ones that should be allowed to influence political matters in South and Central America.
  • John Quincy Adams elected

  • Andrew Jackson elected

    He believed that the Native Americans needed to be removed from America. He was responsible for The Indian Removal Act and the thousands of Indians that died because of it.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Gave legal way to remove Indians from their land. The act granted land west of the mississippi for indians. Jacksen then forced theese treatys on native american tribes forcing them to relocate.
  • Martin Van Buren elected

  • William H. Harrison elected

  • James K. Polk elected

    Was responsible for
    -Mexican American war
    -Oregon treaty
    -Big supporter of manifest destiny
    -Anounced gold rush
  • Mexican American War starts

  • Mexican American War ends

    Gave U.S over 500,000 square miles of and made Mexico recognize Texas as part of the U.S.
  • Oregon treaty

    There was a joint claim on the Oregon territory. The U.S and Great Britain, claimed it for themselves. Polk negociated to split the land on the 49th parallel.
  • California Gold Rush

    In 1848 it was announced by James Polk that there was gold in California. Within a year the American population of California population increased a hundred fold. This event greatly sped of migration to the west.
  • Zachary Taylor elected

  • Franklin Pierce elected

  • Gadsden Purchase

    Mexico agreed to sell land on the boarder to U.S. The U.S planed on using it for a transcontinental railroad.
  • James Buchanan elected