Period: to
19th century
19th Century
1800- Sir Humphry Davy announces the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide. -
19th Century
1803- Morphine was discovered -
19th Century
1816- Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope. -
19th Century
1818- British obstetrician James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood -
19th Century
1842- American surgeon Crawford W. Long uses ether as a general anesthetic during surgery but does not publish his results. -
19th Century
1844- Dr. Horace Wells, American dentist, uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic. -
19th Century
1846-Boston Dentist Dr. William Morton demonstrates ether’s anesthetic properties during a tooth extraction. -
19th Century
1849- Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to receive a medical degree. -
19th Century
1867-Joseph Lister develops antiseptic surgical methods, using carbolic acid to clean wounds and surgical instruments. -
19th Century
1870’s- Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch established the germ theory of disease. -
19th Century
1870- Birth control was discovered -
19th Century
1879- First vaccine for cholera -
19th Century
1881- First vaccine for anthrax -
19th Century
1882-First vaccine for rabies -
19th Century
1885- Cocaine was used as a local anesthetic -
19th Century
1885- Whisky was also used as a local anesthetic -
19th Century
1890- Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines. -
19th Century
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcjVRgthqvo1895- German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers x-rays. -
19th Century
1896- First vaccine for typhoid fever -
19th Century
1897- First vaccine for plague -
19th Century
1897- Ronald Ross demonstrates that malaria parasites are transmitted through mosquitos -
19th Century
1899- Felix Hoffman develops aspirin