Jefferson Issues Executive Order
"The right of any officer to give his vote at elections as a qualified citizen is not meant to be restrained...but it is expected that he will not attempt to influence the votes of others nor take any part in the business of electioneering, that being deemed inconsistent with the spirit of the Constitution and his duties to it." -
Tenure of Office Act
Andrew Jackson Elected to First Term
- "Turn the rascals out!"
- Relied heavily on patronage to strengthen his party
- Political sympathy and partisan activity were required as a condition of appointment
- Stated that the trained officials in DC constituted a "dangerous bureaucracy"
Martin Van Buren Elected
- Handpicked by President Jackson as his successor
Congress passes legislation to create a salary schedule and classification system for federal clerks
Tenure of Office Act
Extended the requirement of Senate concurrence to removal of Cabinet members -
President Andrew Johnson Impeached
Andrew Johnson impeached by the House of Representatives for defying the 1867 Tenure of Office Act -
Joint Select Committee on Retrenchment
Committee issues report recommending the introduction of competitive examinations -
Sec. of Interior Jacob D Cox introduces merit system to dept
Treasury Sec. George Boutwell set up system of competitive exams for dept
Advisory Board on the Civil Service
Appropriations rider gives President Grant the authority to appoint an Advisory Board on the Civil Service, which issued recommendations for new civil service rules -
Congress cuts off funds for Advisory Board
Rutherford B. Hayes Elected
Pres. Hayes issues Executive Orders revivin and extending competitive exams and prohibiting political activity by government employees -
President Garfield assassinated by a disgruntled officeseeker
National Civil Service Reform League founded
Pendleton Civil Service Act passes
Hatch Act passes
Civil Service Reform Act