1990s technology

By madmc7
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee founded the web. He gave users access to documents; which were either text or media. The web has drastically enhanced our lives because most of us wouldn't be able to learn right now without it.
  • Text messaging

    Text messaging
    The first text message was sent this year by Neil Papworth. Texting is a huge part of our lives because most of us do it multiple times a day to quickly communicate with friends and family. Without it our lives would be a lot different.
  • Amazon

    Jeff Bezos founded this company. At first it was a source for books. Now it's an enormous company used for innumerable things.
  • DVDs

    DVDs allowed people to re-watch film and eventually began the development of video games.
  • MP3s

    MP3s are mainly used for playing audio, mainly music. They can also be used to play some video as well. It has enhanced our lives because when most people go for walks or workout they like to listen to music and this invention allows them to do just that.