Event 1
Winston starts a jounal that he is unsure what to write about in but he ends up writing down his hate for the party with DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER multiple times. -
Event 2
Winston becomes more aware of his surroundings and starts becoming suspicious of people. Two in particular a dark haired woman who he believes to be the thought police and O'Brian who he thinks is also a rebel of the party and possibly a part of the secret brotherhood. -
Event 3
He sees the dark hair lady everywhere and starts having thoughts of raping and murdering her until one day she trips in the office with a broken arm and Winston helps her up. As he does so he realizes that she is handing him a piece of paper which he later reads when he feels is safe and it says "I love you". -
Event 4
He waits awhile to try to contact the dark haired woman because he does not know of a safe place to talk to her about the note until one day when he manages to sit at the same table with her away from a telescreen and people where they exchange words on where to meet again to talk without giving away that they were talking. -
Event 5
Winston and the dark haired woman meet at Victory Square where they are caught in an angry mob as a convoy passed and got a chance for Julia the dark haired woman to tell him a route to a place they could meet. -
Event 6
Winston meets Julia at the safe place with the route she gave him. Is a small clearing where there were no telescreens or microphones. They talk for awhile about the party and their lives and then fall asleep in the clearing. After they wake they leave separately. -
Event 7
They meet many more times in an old church tower and talk about stuff like Winstons wife and clubs that Julia has been a part of. They make love in the church. -
Event 8
They eventually start meeting in a room above an antique shop owned by a man named Mr. Charrington. The meet there several times where they bring food from the inner party to eat. They talk and make love. Winston wakes up one time to Julia throwing her shoe at a rat which Winston is terrified of. -
Event 9
O'Brian gives Winston an adress on a piece of paper so that he can give Winston "a copy of the newspeak dictionary". Winston and Julia go to his house and they figure out O'Brian is a part of the brotherhood. Since he is part of the inner party he has more privilages like turning off his telescreen for short periods of time and nicer things. He tells them he will get them a book from the brotherhood. -
Event 10
Winston finally recieves the book from the brotherhood and takes it back to the room above Mr. Charringtons shop to read with Julia. They sleep and awhile after they wake up they hear a weird voice coming from behind a picture in the room. They were caught. Mr. Charrington and O'Brian turn out to be thought police and Winston and Julia had told them many crimes. They were taken to the the Ministry of Love. -
Event 11
At the Ministry of Love Julia and Winston are separated and tortured until the Party believes they are loyal to big brother and they betray each other. Winstons fear is rats so they threaten to cage some to his face so they can feed on him but right before they do he screams,"do it to Julia". -
Event 12
Winston is let go and later sees Julia where she admits she betrayed him too. Winston is also assigned to a new job.