

  • Period: to


  • Reagan is elected President

    Reagan is elected President
    Reagan played a huge role in pushing education to reach for the stars.
  • Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education

    Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education
    John Holt gives more momentum for educational options.
  • Period: to

    William Bennet Secretary of Education

    William Bennet promoted education and kept schools in line. Often he used his 3 C's to push education in a positive direction.
  • National Commission on Excellence in Education

    Terrel H Bell appointed the National Commission on Excellence in Education to analyse school performance.
  • PC Model 5150

    PC Model 5150
    Technology assists methods in which students can learn.
  • Michael Rutter's Fifteen Thousand Hours

    Michael Rutter's Fifteen Thousand Hours
    Michael Rutter held a major education study showing the effects of school climate
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Plyler v. Doe
    The Supreme Court ruled that Texas public schools cannot deny education to un-documented, school-aged children.
  • Mastery Teaching

    Mastery Teaching
    Madeline C. Hunter's book suggests a teaching curriculum that becomes popular. Teachers would go to workshops and become "Hunterized."
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    President Reagan recognizes the need for educational reform and sparks the movement
  • Perkins Act

    Perkins Act
    Under the Perkins Act, federal funds are made available to help provide vocational-technical education programs and services to youth and adults. Most of these funds are awarded as grants to state education agencies. These State Basic Grants are allotted to states according to a formula based on states' populations in certain age groups and their per capita income.
  • Emergency Immigration Education Program

    Emergency Immigration Education Program
    This act assist schools who have an unexpected about of immigrant school children.
  • NCEE

    The Carnegie Forum on the Education and the Economy was founded to endorse the restructuring of schools and to strengthen the role of teachers.
  • Microsoft Windows 1.0

    Microsoft Windows 1.0
  • Challenger explodes

    Challenger explodes
    Christa McAuliffe was chosen by NASA from 11000 applicants to go into space. She was a teacher.
  • Holmes Group

    Holmes Group
    The Holmes Group wrote their book Tomorrow's Teachers and established their five educational reformation goals
  • Edwards v. Aguillard

    Edwards v. Aguillard
    The Supreme Court invalidates Louisiana's "Creationism Act," which requires the teaching of creationism whenever evolution is taught, because it violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Auguillard v. Edwards

    Auguillard v. Edwards
    Creation science is to be taught along with evolution.
  • The Closing of the American Mind

    The Closing of the American Mind
    The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom, who describes "how higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today's students."
  • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

    National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
    National Board for Professional Teaching Standards was created to develop examinations on which to base national certification of expert teacher