Computer History 1980s

By tawg
  • Seagate ST506 hard disk drive

    Seagate ST506 hard disk drive
    The first hard disk drive for microcomputers. The disk held five megabytes of data.
  • Microsoft Word is introduced

    Microsoft Word is introduced
    Microsoft introduces Word, which was originally called Multi-Tool Word. The disk was released in an issue of PC World magazine, and it gave readers a chance to try the program for free.
  • Nintendo releases NES to the U.S.

    Nintendo releases NES to the U.S.
    Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System in the U.S. It played a large role in turning Mario into one of the most iconic characters in the history of video games.
  • Pixar is founded

    Pixar is founded
    Pixar was originally known as Special Effects Computer Group at Lucasfilm. Steve Jobs bought the group and renamed it Pixar.
  • Macintosh Portable is introduced

    Macintosh Portable is introduced
    The Macintosh Portable weighed 16 pounds and cost $6500.00. It was off the market only two years after it was introduced.