
  • Mt. St. Helens

    Mt. St. Helens
    On this day Mt. St. Helens erupted and it was the worst volcanic disaster in U.S. History.
  • Pac-Man

    Pac-Man was released and was a well known game and its still around today.
  • Vanessa Williams

    Vanessa Williams
    First african american women to be crowned Miss. America.
  • Macintosh Computer

    Macintosh Computer
    Apple computers release the Macintosh personal computer.
  • Aids

    The Aids virus was first discovered
  • Rwanda

    Civil war in Rwanda, they had a conflict with the Central African nation.

    NAFTA is now in effect.
  • Ice storm

    Ice storm
    Thousands of people lost their electricity when the record low temperatures hit the east coast.
  • Comet

    Comet hits Jupiter, created 2000 mile high fireball and leaving black bruises in the clouds.
  • Oklahoma Bombing

    Oklahoma Bombing
    8 Federal Marshalls were killed during the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma city.
  • Titanic

    It became the biggest total box-office film ever in history with over $1 billion dollars.