Technology Project III: part 3

  • Period: to


  • Ronald Reagan elected President

  • SDI Program Proposed

    On this date, President Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative Program. This program developed technology that would intercept incoming missiles.
  • George H. W. Bush Elected President

  • Falling of the Berlin Wall

    On this date, it was announced that citizens were free to cross the borders. Following this, ordinary people began to destroy the wall.
  • Bill Clinton Elected President

  • Weapons Assault Ban

    On this day, President Clinton signed the Weapons Assault Ban, which barred the use of 18 models of assault weapons.
  • George W. Bush Inaugurated

    On this date, following an extremely close race to the Presidency, George W. Bush was inaugurated into office.
  • 9/11

    On this date, Islamic terrorists hijacked four American airliners. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, one plane was crashed into the Pentagon, and one plane was brought down by passengers on the plane once they learned of what was going on.