S&L combined worth reaches -$18 billion
President Carter gives Federal Loan to Chrysler of $1.2 billion
Inflation rate reaches 13.9%
CCI reaches 98.5%
Consumer Price Index reaches 82.4%
GDP reaches $2.863 trillion
GDP per capita was 12,597.67
Unemployment rate was 6.3%
Interest rate was about 20%
The united states fell into a trough
The Fed discount rate was 12%
8% marginal reserve requirement
Government effective tax rate was 9.9%
Reserve ratio was 20%
Government spending is equal to 22% of the nation's GDP
Unemployment was at 7.5%
Interest Rate was 20.2%
Inflation reaches 11.83%
Mortgage rate reaches 21%
Tax Reform Act of 1981
The First IBM-PC is released
Inflation rate was 11.83%
CCI hit 99.02
Consumer Price Index reaches 90.9
GDP was $3.211 trillion
GDP per capita was $13,993.17
Economy entered a state of expansion
Reagan introduces the deficits and taxes fiscal policy to cut taxes.
Fed discount rate was 13%
Reserve ratio was 18%
Government spending is equal to about 20% of the nation's GDP
Economic Recovery Tax Act slashes tax rates down to 50% in the 1980's
Reagan elected president
Space Shuttle Columbia is launched
Government spending is equal to about 21% of the nation's GDP
Recession of 1982
Inflation Rate reaches 8.39%
AT&T monopoly ordered to break up
CCI was 98.79
Consumer price index was 96.5
GDP was $3.345 trillion
GDP per capita was $14,438.98
Unemployment was at 8.6%
Interest rate hit about 15%
United States enters a period of retraction
Fed discount rate back down to 12%
Reserve Ratio back up to 20%
48 FDIC-insured banks fail with $7 billion in assets.
Reagan-Volcker inflation policy put into action
Inflation hits 3.71%
CCI reaches 100.48
Consumer Price Index was 99.6
GDP hits $3.638 trillion
GDP per capita reaches $15,561.43
unemployment rates hit 10.4 %
Interest Rates were 8.6%
The economy enters a period of expansion
Fed discount rate drops to 8.5%
Reserve Ratio was 15%
Government spending is equal to about 23% of the nation's GDP
Reagan releases defense plan called Star Wars
The first commercial cell phone is made
Michael Jackson releases "Thriller"
Banking regulatory agencies set minimum capital requirement standards for individual institutions
Inflation rate was 4.19%
CCI was 101.02
Consumer Price Index reached 103.9
GDP was $4.041 trillion
GDP per capita was $17,134.29
Unemployment rate was 8%
Interest rate was 9.5%
The economy enters a state of retraction
Fed discount rate stays at 8.5%
Government spending is equal to about 23% of the nation's GDP
Reserve Ratio was 10%
Steve Jobs releases the first Macintosh computer
Inflation rate reaches 3.55%
Mortgage Rate reaches about 11.5% (15 year)
Inflation rate was 3.53%
CCI was 100.60
Consumer Price Index was 107.6
GDP was $4.347 trillion
GDP per capita was $18,269.42
Unemployment drops to 7.3%
Interest rate hits 7.3%
Economy falls into a trough
Fed discount rate down to 8%
Reserve Ratio was around 7.5%
Government spending is equal to about 25% of the nation's GDP
Microsoft introduces Windows