Unknown 23

1975-2022 Afghanistan Events

  • New constitution

    New constitution
    Khan enforces a new constitution to modernize the communist state, where women have more rights.
  • Nur Mohammad Taraki is the President

    Nur Mohammad Taraki is the President
    Nur Mohammad Taraki of the Afghan Communist party, becomes the new president of the country after Khan is killed. They become independent from Soviet influence and sign a friendship treaty with them.
  • Adolph Dubs is assassinated & US cuts relation

    Adolph Dubs is assassinated & US cuts relation
    Adolph Dubs, an American Ambassador dies. US also cuts off their assistance to Afghanistan.
  • Human rights violations in Afghanistan

    Human rights violations in Afghanistan
    The UN looks into reports of human rights violations taking place in Afghanistan.
  • The Mujahadeen acquire arms from countries

    The Mujahadeen acquire arms from countries
    China, US, and Britain give the Mujahadeen fire arms through Pakistan.
  • Ahmed Shah Massoud is Assassinated

    Ahmed Shah Massoud is Assassinated
    The nation's top insurgent and the head of the Northern Alliance, Ahmed Shah Massoud, gets killed by "journalists" who were actually assassins.
  • First Parliamentary election

    First Parliamentary election
    After 30+ years, the first parliamentary meeting is held after the vote.
  • Trump calls off the peace deal

    Trump calls off the peace deal
    in Feb 2019, Trump signed a peace deal that are conditions for the US to go out by 2021, but he calls it off in September when one of the US soldiers is killed in Taliban.