Soyuz Apollo, July 19 1975
The meeting between America and the Soviet Union to discuss the first cooperative space mission. This was the last US space mission until the first Space Shuttle Flight in April 1981. This has led to begining of the US and Russia working together in space. -
Helsinki Accords. August 1st, 1975
35 nations signed this. This recognized the borders of Europe.The West was concerned about Soviet violating human rights. Under this accord the Soviets agreed to respect human rights. -
Camp David Accords
This was a peace agreement signed between Egypt and Israel. This called for Israel to completely withdraw from Sinai. In return, Egypt would recognize Israel and maintain relations with them. The US was to provide troops to monitor that Sinai was removing all their troops. -
Iran Seizes US hostages
On November 4th a mob of iranian student attacked the US embassy. They seized personell as hostages. For a year, this hostage hold dominated US policy. President Carter made it clear that getting back the hostages was a priority. Despite his efforts no progress was made. Finally after the election of Reagan the hostages were released. -
Soviets invade Afghanistan
The soviets invaded Afghanistan to ensure that they would be in power of the country. This invasion shocked the West because it was the first direct use of the troops outside the region of the Warsaw Act. In response, the US imposed an embargo on the Soviets. The soviets were forced to withdraw after the US fought. -
Bombing in Beirut
Over 200 marines were killed when a truck loaded with explosives crashed into the US marine compound in Beirut airport. The bombing was traced back to Hezbollah, a terrorist group. US marines quickly evacuated from Beirut. Israel forces then moved in. As a result, America was then recommitted to Beirut. On April 18th a bomb went off at the American embassy. The goal of the terrorist was to withdraw Americans from Beirut. Shortly after Americans left and the terrorist goal was achieved. -
Iran Contra
The Reagan Administration supported the Contra rebels who were fighting the Sandinista in Nicaragua. While the US first supported Contras, the Congress shortly passed the Bholen Amendment, prohibiting all assistance to the Contras. Meanwhile, Iran-supported people had seized American hostages. The hope was that by selling arms to Iran they would release the hostages.Meanwhile the money from the sale was used to arm the Contras in contrast to the Bholen. -
US attacks Libya
American planes attacked various targets in Libya. They were on military and terrorist sights. The attack was a response to terrorist attacks on Discotheque. As a result Libya scaled back their support for terrorism. -
INF Treaty
This was the beginning to the end of the cold war. This was also the first treaty to eliminate a huge class of weapons. It originated in the US with the decision to deploy Pershing missles in Europe against the Soviet. The soviet said if the US agreed to remove the missles aimed at them they would destroy all their intermiedate missles. This taught people that we were able to compromise with the soviet. -
US Invades Panama
When General Manuel Noreiga clamped down on the limited existance of democracy in Panama, the US interviened. Noreiga was arrested. He was brought to the US to face charges of drug trafficking. -
Coalition Frees Kuwait
After the Iraqis invaded Kuwait, the US formed an alliance against Iraq. The US recieved UN confrimation to engage in military action. The US fired attacks on Iraq shortly after. -
Iraq invades Kuwait
The US, along with 35 other nations, began fighting against Iraq.They did this because Iraq invaded Kuwait. This proved that the US truly did support surrounding nations. Kuwait eventually pushed the forces away. This resulted in US soldiers eventually being removed from the Persian Golf in 1991. Eventually, a cease-fire agreement was reached. -
Two plus four treaty
East & West Germany, Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and the US were all involved in this treaty. The purpose of the treaty was to unify Easy and West Germany back as a whole. It also took away all the power that nations controlling Germany had from WW2. America played a very important role in this treaty. The US helped Germany become a whole again. -
Israel PLO Accords
The agreement, called Oslo 1, was signed at the white house. This was an agreement reached between Israel and the PLO. (Palestine Liberation Organization) This declared principles on self-government arrangements. -
Mexican Bailout
President Clinton granted a $20 billion loan to bail out Mexico. Mexico repaid the loan early. Many Americans didn't believe that Mexico would repay, but they did. Surprisingly, they paid us back 3 years earlier than expected. -
Troops to Bosnia
After several years of fighting, leaders met to negotiate a peace settlement. The Dayton Acoords was brought about 20 days later bringing about an end to armed hostilities. The accords were reinforced with 15000 American troops, whos purpose was to assure the ceasfire. While America doesn't have great peace with Bosnia, the accords did end the battles that went on for 4 years. -
US Embassies Bombed
2 US embassies were bombed at the same time by truck bombs. This was the work of Al Qaeda, which was led by Osama Bin Laden. 213 were killed including 12 Americans. President Clinton ordered missle attacks on suspected Al Queda targets. -
US gives up Panama Canal
On September 7th the US signed a treaty revoking the treaty of 1903. The treaty of 1903 granted the US control of the canal. US having control of the canal led to many protest in Panama. This is why the US thought it best to sign the canal back over to Panama. Under the terms of the US having the right to defend the canal beyond a certain point.