1970s Timeline

  • Dot Matrix Printer

    Dot Matrix Printer
    Creator: Centronics
    First introduced by IBM during 1957, the first dot matrix impact printer was a first generation printer! They use print heads to shoot ink/strike an ink ribbon to place little dots to eventually form texts and images. They are still used today but far less due to their low quality printing and slow speed.
  • Kenbk-1

    Invented By: John V. Blankenbaker
    This is one of the earliest personal computers! It was advertised for $750 in Scientific American magazine. Blankenbaker
    wanted to create a device that would give its user satisfaction with simple programms, and demonstrate as many programming concepts as possible.
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    Leading Inventor: Warren L. Dalziel
    The Floppy Disk was a primary mode of data storage from its birth through most of the 1970s. It was an 8-inch flexible magnetic disk in a square case.
  • Pulsar Time Computer

    Pulsar Time Computer
    Creator: Hamilton Watch Company
    Hamilton introduced the world's first commercial electronic digital wristwatch. It was retailed for a pricy amount of $2,100 - which is $12,000 today!
  • Pong

    Manufacturer: Atari
    Inventor: Allan Alcorn
    Pong is a coin-operated game that brought arcade games to a new level. Its initial purpose was to be used as a teaching tool for Alcorn to learn how to develop a video game. However, when released to the public, it went main stream and amassed gaming fans worldwide! Pong was when sports and electronic gaming joined together to form something great!
  • The Cromemco Cyclops Digital Camera

    The Cromemco Cyclops Digital Camera
    Creators: Terry Walker, Herry Garland, & Roger Melen
    This was the first commercial all-digital camera. It was the first digital camera to be interfaced to a microcomputer. It utilized an innovative image sensor that was a modified MOS computer memory chip.
  • Apple II Personal Computer

    Apple II Personal Computer
    Pioneered by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
    The Apple Ii was an 8-bit home computer and one of the world's highly successful mass-produced microcomputer products.
  • Email

    Pioneers: Ray Tomlinson & Shive Ayyadurai
    This was the birth of electronic mail as we know it today. Before, messages could only be sent via other users on the same mainframe. Tomlinson and Ayyadurai shifted computer messaging from single-computer usage to multiple computer usage - laying the groundwork for the revolutionary form of communication we have today.
  • GPS

    Manufacturer: U.S. Department of Defense
    Inventor: U.S. Navy
    Its full name is: Global Positioning System. After a decade of experimenting and testing it made it official debut in 1978 with the NAVSTAR satellite.
  • Sony Walkman - The Portable Music Player

    Sony Walkman - The Portable Music Player
    Creator: Sony
    Throughout the 70’s, technology for computers became more and more compact. The Walkman was an accidental success as the Sony Co-founder Masaru Ibuka wanted to listen to music during long fights.