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  • Introduction of the Boeing 747 'jumbo jet'

    The 747 was made by 50,000 people. They were and construction workers,mechanics, engineers, secretaries and administrators. they were called "the incredibles". They made the largest civilian airplane in the world.The incentive for creating the giant 747 came from reductions in airfares, a surge in air-passenger traffic and increasingly crowded skies.The design behind the 747 was to develop a completely new plane, and other than the engines, the designers purposefully avoided using some hardware.
  • Concorde

    The Concorde was the first passenger carrying commercial plane. it was built by aircraft manufacturers in Great Britain and France. It made it's first crossing on September 26, 1973. It launched the world first scheduled passenger service on January 21 1976. More routes were added, it was flown across the world. However, the Aircrafts noise limited its service and had to cut routes.
  • Concorde came into service

    The Concorde made its first transatlantic crossing, British Airways flying the aircraft flew London to Bahrain and Air France flying it from Paris to Rio de Janeiro. This event had a major impact on travel and tourism as this was the first plane to fly people to different countries.
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  • British People made 20million abroad

    In the 1980s package holidays were increasing in growth, travel agents like Intasun were trying to win an edge over Thomas Cook. There were loads of discounts for people, making them want to go on holiday.
  • Ghandi was assasinated

    Indira Ghandi was the Prime Minister of India. She was assassinated by here two Sikh security guards in New Dehli. This affected travel and tourism as people may have travelled to New Dehli for the Prime Ministers funeral. This has changed as it is now in history, people may travel to New Dehli to see where it all took place.
  • Launch of Ryanair

    Ryanair was set up by the Ryan family with a share of £1, they only have 25 employees. They luanched their first first route in july with flights daily with a 15 seater aircraft. Operating daily from Waterford in the southeast of Ireland to London Gatwick. Their cabin crew must be less than 5'2 so that they can work in a small space in the cabin. The launch had a big impact on travel as it help millions of people wanting to travel for a smaller price.
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  • OJ Simpson Trial

    OJ Simpson was accused of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Even though there was overwhelming DNA evidence against OJ, he was found not guilty. This affects travel and tourism as many people are interested in 'dark' tourism and they will travel to visit scenes of crimes all over the world.
  • Princess Diana killed in a car crash

    In the early hours of this day, Princess Diana died from injuries sustained earlier that day in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris, France. Dianas partner and chauffeur were found dead. Her bodyguard survived. This may have influenced tourism as people may have wanted to view the tunnel where Princess Diana died which influences tourism. There was also an incredible uproar when she died and thousands of people travelled to Britain to grieve.
  • Columbine Shooting

    A school shooting and attempted bombing occurred in Columbine High School. 12th grade students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 12 students and 1 teacher. This affected travel and tourism as it would decline in that area because of the negative events that happened. It has changed as now that this event is in history, people feel more comfortable travelling near that area.
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  • 9/11

    The 9/11 attacks were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-qaeda. That morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four commericial airlines. 2 planes crashed into the pentagon (headquarters of United States military). 1 plane planned to hit the federal government building in Washington but luckily missed. This killed nearly 3000 people. This may have influenced tourism as people may have wanted to see the twin towers. People now have more access to travel so tourism is more popular.
  • Virgina Tech Mass Shooting

    This was a spree shooting that occurred in the Virginia Institute and State University. An undergraduate student at the university and a U.S resident killed 32 people and wounded 17. This affects travel and tourism as many people wouldn't have wanted to visit the area as it was a crime scene. Although it has changed as it is now in history and many people may be interested in where this shooting took place. So they may visit it.
  • Election Of Barack Obama

    Barack Obama served as the 44th president of the United States. He recieved 16,706,853 votes. This affected travel and tourism as the country was undergoing new laws about travel etc. This has changed as there is a new president and the laws of travel has changed once again.
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  • Black Lives Matter

    On WordBlack Lives Matter is a political and social movement that seeks to highlight racism, discrimination and racial inequality experienced by black people. It started following the killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Pamela Turner and Rekia Boyd, among others. The movement began in July 2013, with the use of the hashtag Black Lives Matter on social media after African-american teen Trayvon Martin was shot dead, 17 months earlier in February 2012.
  • Same sex marriage legalised

    Same sex marriage is now legal in all parts of the United Kingdom. Legislation to allow same sex marriage in England and Wales was passed by the parliament of the United Kingdom in July 2013 and took effect on the 13th of March 2014. The first same sex marriage took place on the 29th of March 2014. In England and Wales, the first major campaign for same sex marriage was Equal Love established by Peter Tatchell in 2010 and another in 2012 called the Coalition for marriage.
  • Brexit

    On the 26th of June 2016, 51.89% voted in favour of leaving the EU and 48.11% voted to stay in the EU. David Cameron then resigned. On the 29th of March 2017, the new British government led by Theresa May formally notified the EU of the country's intention to withdraw, beginning the process of Brexit negotiations.
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  • COVID-19 pandemic

    In the United Kingdom there has been 24,024,746 cases and 212,296 deaths.. In December 2019, a pneumonia outbreak was reported in China. On the 31st of December 2019, the outbreak was traced to a novel strain of coronavirus. The virus has a 96% similarity to a bat coronavirus, so it is widely suspected to originate from bats. It became a pandemic on the 11th of March 2020. The economy was dwindling drastically and that is now why inflation is so high and there is a cost-of-living crisis.