1970-1980 Inventions

By colby39
  • Period: to


    inventions within the decade of 1970
  • The Handheld Calculator

    The Handheld Calculator
    this was invented for the use of HP employees to run numbers at a fast pace and be able to access it quickly by keeping it in their pockets. initially called a pocket calculator.
  • Dover Laser Printer

    Dover Laser Printer
    Xerox PARC physicist Gary Starkweather realized in 1967 that there were more ways to create a duplicate of a paper and what was on it. instead he made a machine to write with a laser.
  • The TV Typewriter

    The TV Typewriter
    This is the tv typewriter with over 120 dollars of technology inside the machine.it was released in 1973 and was designed by Don Lancaster.
  • The Apple II

    The Apple II
    The Apple II is a computer/game system it has a main logic board and switching power supply. It was made by Steve Wozniack.
  • The Atari 800

    The Atari 800
    In 1979 Atari released a small game system that was used more as a home computer because it was an 800 but the 400 used as a game system that was more purposed as a home computer.