Cold war jfk


  • U-2 Plane shot down

    U-2 Plane shot down
    a U-2 plane was shot by soviets and the pilot gary francis powers was interrogated and then eventually came back.
  • civil rights act of 1960

    civil rights act of 1960
    designed for the south because of the discrimination and segregation.
  • J.F.K becomes president

    J.F.K becomes president
    youngest president ever to be elected in to office. only president to win a pulitzer prize.
  • aliance for progress

    aliance for progress
    aimed to establish economic cooperation between america and latin america.
  • bay of pigs invasion

    bay of pigs invasion
    cubans that came to the U.S were trained and sent to cuba to overthrow castro. but they failed the mission.
  • Peace corps established

    Peace corps established
    the peace corp is made to give technical assistance to other countrys and help them with understanding our culture and language. And this also helped the 3rd world countrys to.
  • first person to get killed trying to cross the berlin wall

    first person to get killed trying to cross the berlin wall
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban  missile crisis
    the soviets placed nukes in cuba and our u-2 spy plane found them
  • JFK assassinated

    JFK assassinated
  • civil rights act passes

    civil rights act passes
    this bill ends segregation