1960's Computer Evolution

  • 1960

    In 1960 the DEC PDP-1 was invented by Benjamin Gurley. This minicomputer only required a single operator, the capabilities of this computer caught the eyes of hackers at MIT. They used one of the approximately 50 units sold to create the first video game, Spacewars!.
  • 1961

    The Minuteman I missile guidance system is developed by the Air Force in 1961. The missiles were tracked using transistorized computers. Due to the intense conditions, the transistors had to have the most advanced circuitry and packaging. This forced the industry to evolve to keep up with the new standards the military had set, thus improving quality control.
  • 1962

    In 1962 a joint research effort led by Manchester University spawned the creation of the Atlas computer. Even though it was the fastest computer of its time, the most notable feature of this invention was not its speed. The Atlas introduced virtual memory to the computer world, having discs or drums in addition to the main memory of the computer.
  • 1964

    In 1964 the Control Data Corporation created the CDC 6600 supercomputer. This computer used ten smaller computers to help processing speeds without bogging down the central processor. This is the first example of parallel processing, even though that was not what it was referred to at the time.
  • 1968

    In 1968 MIT created the Apollo Guidance Computer, which not only allowed for the tracking of the spacecraft, but the control of the trajectory. The initial challenge was reducing the size of the computer, it ended up being 70 lbs. This milestone invention incorporated integrated circuitry, magnetic rope memory, and core memory. A year after this was implemented into the Apollo 7, it was used to land the first humans on Apollo 11.