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1960´s and public protests

  • Minimum wage hike

    President Kennedy raise minimum wage from $1 and hour to $1.25 an hour.
  • US Will Fire back

    US Will Fire back
    Kennedy declares US advisers in Nam will defend themselves
  • John F. Kennedy assassination

    John F. Kennedy assassination
    Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade though Daeley Plaza.
  • US navy arrives

    After North Vietnam goes into Laos, US moves 2 carries offshore
  • civil rights act

    civil rights act
    legislation outlaws discrimination against race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
  • voting rights act

    voting rights act
    African Americans were allowed to vote.
  • Martin Luther King opposes war

    Martin Luther King opposes war
    martin luther king announces his opposition on the war.
  • Martin Luther King assassination

    Martin Luther King assassination
    Martin Luther King was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee.
  • protest at Chicago DNC convention

    protest at Chicago DNC convention
    thousands of protester came to protest the Vietnam war.
  • first landing on the moon

    first landing on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to land on the moon in Apollo 11.