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    Cold War

    A period of increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
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    Cold War

    A period of increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
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    The 'Baby Boom'

    A drastic increase in births in the United States especially among the middle class and suburban populace of the United States
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    Rise of the Suburbs

    The gradual increase of the suburban populace of the United States from 37 million to 74 million.
  • Dien Bien Phu

    The defeat of French colonial forces in French Indochina by the anti-imperialist communist troops of the Viet Cong.
  • Formation of Warsaw Pact

    The formation of the Warsaw Pact, a series of communist states that had gathered together in response to the creation of NATO.
  • Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company

    The legal battle between Sarah Keys and the Carolina Coach Company over her right to sit in what was generally considered to be a white person's seat.
  • The Till Incident

    The horrific murder of fourteen year-old Emmett Till for supposedly whistling at a white women.
  • The Rosa Parks Incident

    An incident in which an African American women by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery bus.
  • The Launch of Sputnik

    The launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik and the inception of the Space Race.
  • Death of McCarthy

    The death of the radical anti-communist McCarthy.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1957

    A precursor to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
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    Space Race

    An escalation of incidents regarding space exploration during the Cold War.
  • Founding of DARPA

    The founding of the Advanced Research Project Agency, what would later become known as DARPA.
  • Founding of NASA

    The establishment of the space exploration, experimentation, and colonization division of the United States government.
  • The Affluent Society

    The publication of the book Affluent Society by author and Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith.
  • Launch of Luna 2

    The launch of the Soviet Luna 2 satellite, which was the first man-made object to touch the moon.
  • Cuban Revolution

    The victory of the communist revolutionaries against the Cuban government.
  • Cuban Revolution

    The victory of the communist revolutionaries against the Cuban government.
  • The Greensboro Sit-in

    The Greensboro Sit-in was the act of four African-American teenagers who chose to remain in seats typically reserved for white men.
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    Rise of the Black Panthers

    The rise of a militant civil rights organization known as the Black Panthers, which at times operated in a moral standing and at other times like a terrorist organization.
  • Freedom 7

    The launch of the first American into space, named Alan Shepard.
  • Kennedy's Election

    Kennedy's victory over the incumbent Nixon.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The deployment of Soviet nuclear armaments to the allied Cuba and the United States response to said deployments.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    The successful launch of the first human being into space by the Soviets, this was an immense milestone in human history, perhaps the greatest of Cold War era.
  • Enrollment of the First African-American Student in Mississippi University

    The full enrollment of the first African-American student in the University of Mississippi, a young man by the name of James Meredith.
  • Perhaps the Most Eventful Year in Civil Rights

    A series of incredibly important events in the history of Civil Rights, including the jailing of Martin Luther King Jr. and a series of riots across the United States regarding Civil Rights.
  • 'I Have A Dream'

    The speech made by Martin Luther King Jr. outlining his view of a future world in which his children would not live in fear.
  • Assasination of Kennedy

    The assassination of John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald in the Texas city of Dallas.
  • Civil Rights Act

    The creation of the Civil Rights Act, which allowed for the enforcement of the Brown v. Education.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Essentially a declaration of war passed by the United States government after the most likely justified attack of Viet Cong naval forces on the USS Maddox.
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    The Great Society

    A series of largely economic reforms that Lyndon B. Johnson enacted in order to reduce the poverty crisis.
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    The Vietnam War

    A conflict between American troops and the NVA/Viet Cong enacted in an attempt to curb the rising tide of communism.
  • Bloody Sunday

    The persecution of African-American protesters by white police officers.
  • Voting Rights Act

    An act passed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to prevent further voting discrimination in Southern states specifically.
  • Woodstock

    The Woodstock musical concert.
  • Creation of EPA

    The formation of the Environmental Protection Agency.