1950s - 1990s

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    The Cold War

  • The Cold War begins

    The Cold War begins
    A war without violence begins. How could that be? Well it began as an arms race and espionage missions between Capitalist America and Communist Russia. Americans feared Russia's goal for world domination due to the many countries falling to the rule of a communist power and ideology. Many times the world could've ended due to the happy trigger finger of both the US and Russia both always ready to nuke the other to oblivion.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    The forgotten war between a communist North and Capitalist South Korea. A battle that ended up splitting the country into two. Risking a war with Russia and China, the US stepped in to assist South Korea in defeating North Korea. It had been long and grueling war that divided the country down the 38th Parallel. The war ended on July 27 after the signing of the Armistice.
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    The Korean War

  • The First Commercial Computer

    The First Commercial Computer
    Created by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchyly, The Universal Automatic Computer I was created to predict the 1952 Presidential election. In which it successful predicted that Eisenhower would win the election. This would soon pave the way for technological advancements in the cyber world, opening the door to Apple to take part in creating their computers in the future.
  • The Vietnam War Begins

    The Vietnam War Begins
    A war no one agreed with, The Vietnam war was a battle in which we fought in a death trap of a jungle with Rice farmers. They weren't any Rice farmers however, some of these farmers farmed in the day and planted traps at night to assist in the war against America and south Vietnam. While the war went on, Americans grew restless on the entire situation. Many protests and riots broke out over the war going on. It finally ended after the troops were finally brought back home in 1973 on March 23.
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    The Vietnam War

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    Civil Rights Movement

  • Bus Boycott Begins

    Bus Boycott Begins
    The beginning of a major event in history is finally sparked over a seat on a bus. Rose Parks had refused to give her seat up to a white man and was arrested for this "crime". This would soon spiral out into organizations forming, leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr coming into power, and boycotts occurring around the country. The Montgomery Bus Boycott involved many African Americans to refused to take the bus and find other means of transportation such as walking or carpooling.
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Space Race Begins

    Space Race Begins
    "Hey America, I'll race you to space" as sputnik launched into the sky. Ok that wasn't actually said but Russia's advancement into space scared America into thinking that Russia is aiming to take over the outer reaches of the planet. AND THUS THE SPACE RACE BEGAN! and then ended sometime later after America One-upped Russia by landing on the Moon. This was just a mini branch of the Cold war and it was interesting to see our advancement in space travel finally kicking off.
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    The Space Race

  • The First Nuclear Power Plant in the US

    The First Nuclear Power Plant in the US
    "What do we do with all this Radioactive garbage from the atomic bombs? I know lets find a way to use this dangerous material to power our world." Ok not exactly what happened, but Scientists had been wondering how they could harness the nuclear power of the atomic bomb in a controlled state. German scientists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman from Berlin in 1939 figured out that through Nuclear Fission that lots of energy was released over time, and we managed to harness the energy on our own.
  • Kennedy Is elected President

    Kennedy Is elected President
    Oh hey, Its the 36th President of the US who was somehow elected into office despite his medical conditions that concerned everyone around him. Aside from his medical backstory, He did something no other president was able to do which was prevent a nuclear disaster that he caused from unfolding. Even though it was kinda his fault we were almost annihilated by nuclear fallout, he prevent the Cuban Missile crisis from ending into total nuclear war.
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    President John F. Kennedy (Era

  • Civil Rights Movement Ends

    Civil Rights Movement Ends
    Well after Martin Luther King Jr was shot, The country finally realized that Racism is bad and we shouldn't treat the other race like nothing. Laws were finally passed that finally make African Americans equal to White people and they were granted civil rights after decades of being oppressed, abused, and killed. The Civil Rights Act of 1968 is finally passed on April 4, 1968 signifying the end to the movement and the victory of African Americans.
  • The Moon Landing

    The Moon Landing
    "Hey Russia, remember that piece of junk you launched into space a few years back? Well guess what, we now own the freaking moon!" Apollo 11 was the first crew aboard to land the first two men on the Moon. After several long years of racing Russia into space, America finally comes out victorious after landing two people on the moon for the first time. The Space race finally ends after the moon landing.
  • The Watergate Scandal Begins

    The Watergate Scandal Begins
    "Hey I have an idea that totally won't result in me almost getting impeached, What if we were to bug our opponents to blackmail them? We can do it at this famous hotel I know of..." A selfish act of cheating that President Nixon and his Cabinet attempted and failed at doing. They wanted to get dirt on their opponent so they'd have the upper hand in the upcoming elections. They were soon exposed for their crimes and President Nixon Prematurely resigned before he could be impeached.
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    The Watergate Scandal

  • Three Mile Island

    Three Mile Island
    "Hey remember those nuclear reactors we built in Pennsylvania? well... they kinda exploded and irradiated an entire island...." The Three Mile Island Incident was when one of the reactors on the island had a meltdown and resulted in the domino effect of the other reactors melting down. The entire island was left in an irradiated mess and still remains on alert almost 40 years later. This is one of the worse Nuclear accidents in American History.