Univac 1

1950's Technology Progression Timeline

  • Univac 1

    Univac 1
    First commercial computer. Manufactured by Remington Road. Used by utilities and insurance companies along with U.S. military. Created by Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. Weighed 29k lbs., and sold 46 of them for 1 million each.
  • IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator

    IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator
    IBM created the first mass-produced computer. Faster access to stored information. Popular in universities where a generation of students began learning programing.
  • Direct Keyboard Input to Computers

    Direct Keyboard Input to Computers
    MIT researchers created. Replaced using punch cards or paper. Doug Ross advocated that a Flexowriter connected to a MIT computer could function as keyboard and was low cost and convenient.
  • LGP-30 introduced

    LGP-30 introduced
    Physicist Stand Frankel developed then contractor General Precision bought his design naming it LGP-30. (was MINAC) Was considered a bargain at 50k each. Early example of a personal computer.
  • Model 501- transistorized computer

    Model 501- transistorized computer
    RCA introduced it.. It was highly flexible for different uses and was used by businesses and U.S. military. Very useful for large databases of information.