Cuban Missle Crisis
The Cuban missle crisis is the closes the world has come to a all out nuclar war.The Soviot Union was trying to get balistic missles to Cuba.The US was not going to let them pass.It was a 12 day confrojtaition but the Soviot Union stood down. -
Period: to
The 1950's
Upshot-Knothole was a Nucular test during the 1950's. A training camp called Desert Rock V was to train troops in a Nucalr battle field. -
Operation Castle
Operation Castel followed Upshot-Knothole. Onae test inpreticular Castel Bravo had sush hight radiation levels it affected near by islands. Because of that the Partail Test Bann Treaty. -
The RDS-37 was a Atmospheric test which is a Nuclar weapon being decinated in the atmosfer. The nuclar radation is what does the damage then. A treaty banned this and under water test. -
Space Race
The Space Race was a tecnogical race. The Soviot Union launched Sputnis I. Sputnic was satiliete.The Us in return sent a man to the moon.