06 09 ramac

1950 Computer Timeline

By Laylap
  • NPL Pilot Ace Completed

    NPL Pilot Ace Completed
    It was designed to compact 800 vacuum tubes into a 12 foot space.
  • Squee: The Robotic Squirrel

    Squee: The Robotic Squirrel
    It was designed to go and collect "nuts" (which were tennis balls) and drag them back to It's nest. It was described to be 75% reliable and only worked in a very dark room. It was invented by Edmund Berkley.
  • Grace Hopper Completes A-0

    Grace Hopper Completes A-0
    In 1952 Grace Murray Hopper competed in translating computer code for the UNIVAC 1 into English words so people could understand the code.
  • IBM ships it's Model 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine

    IBM ships it's Model 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine
    Inside IBM, they were known as "Defense Calculators". It took 15,000$ a month to keep. Arthur Samuels programmed the first autonomous checkers game. The 701 was IBM's introduction to large scale computer production.
  • Alan Turing found dead at age 42

    Alan Turing found dead at age 42
    In 1954 Alan Turing was found dead in his bed with a cyanide-laced apple sitting on his nightstand. He was known for multiple things such as his code breaking skills. He was able to decode the German ENIGMA encryption machine.
  • English Electric DEUCE Introduced

    English Electric DEUCE Introduced
    Alan Turing's ACE, called DEUCE or (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine) was mostly used for science and engineering problems and a few commercial applications. 30 of them were produced and one was even sent to Australia.

    IBM created one of the first magnetic disk storage that was shipped to Zellarback Paper in San Francisco. It had 50 magnetic disks that rotated and could hold about 5 million characters of data.