Cold war

1950-1990 Timeline

  • Period: to

    American History (1950-1990)

    Important historical, political, social, and economic events in American History from the 1950's to 1990.
  • Start of Korean War (Bluh Bluh)

    Start of Korean War (Bluh Bluh)
    The war was between the North and South Korea, the communist North trying to spread to the South. Since the US was supporting South Korea and a containment policy against communism, Truman ordered troops to the divided country and urged support from the United Nations.This war demonstrated the US was willing to act according to its containment policies.
  • Start of the Vietnam War (NNNAAAAAIIIIMMM)

    Start of the Vietnam War (NNNAAAAAIIIIMMM)
    An internal conflict between the communist North and South Vietnam allied with the US. The US got involved because the US wanted to stop the spread of communism. It was known for the large amount of casualties.
  • Little Rock Nine (VERY coool)

    Little Rock Nine (VERY coool)
    A group of colored students, known as the Little Rock Nine, were to attend a white school. The first day of the school year, they were prevented to attend because of the Arkansas National Guard. When they finally were able to attend with the help of the federal troops, it was a giant step for the civil rights movement.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion (Cucumber)

    Bay of Pigs Invasion (Cucumber)
    In 1959, a man named Fidel Castro led a Guerrilla army to overthrow their nation's President. This leads to the CIA to launch an attack using trained who escaped when Castro took over. The invasion was a complete failure, outnumbered. This was very worrying for the US because Castro wanted to release the influence the US had on their industries.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis (OH NO)

    Cuban Missile Crisis (OH NO)
    A 13 day political and military stalemate between the US and USSR. It was based about the creation of nuclear arms by the soviet on Cuba.
  • March on Washington (Boom)

    March on Washington (Boom)
    The March on Washington was a protest march that was done to draw more attention to the civil rights movement. This is where Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous "I have a dream" speech.
  • The Black Panther Party was founded (WANNA WAKANDA)

    The Black Panther Party was founded (WANNA WAKANDA)
    The Black Panthers, a political organization created by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. The group aimed to challenge police brutality against colored people. They organized armed citizen patrols?!!
  • Tet Offensive (TETETETTET)

    Tet Offensive (TETETETTET)
    The Tet Offensive was a series of attacks on points in South Vietnam by its North counterpart. This attack wanted the US to increase its involvement in the war. The media's coverage of this lowered support for the war.
  • Moon Landing (DUUUDE WAY OUT)

    Moon Landing (DUUUDE WAY OUT)
    Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. The ambitious project was pushed and proposed by President Kennedy. The Apollo program was expensive using over 400,000 engineers and 24 billion dollars.
  • Watergate Scandal (SHHHHH)

    Watergate Scandal (SHHHHH)
    President Nixon was found to be connected to the break-in of the democratic office in Watergate hotel. This resulted in the resignation of the President. The event led to a more critical view of the validity in political practices.

    The organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries stopped providing fuel to any country that supported Israel in the "Yom Kippur" war. This resulted in an oil crisis, since the US depended on foreign exports for oil.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall (BOOT and cuts)

    Fall of the Berlin Wall (BOOT and cuts)
    The Berlin Wall symbolized the Cold War itself and the division of eastern Europe. The east communist Berlin lifted the boundaries between it and the west. This indicated the near end of the cold war in Eastern Europe.