
By Jazcat
  • Yalta Conference (February)

    Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill (Churchill insisted in France to be included in the "Four Power Control")
  • Decided that France would also be a member of the Security Council

  • Soviet espionage network was discovered operating in Canada and the US

    (September) Causes of Cold War, Soviets wanted information about the atomic bomb
  • United Nations commission (November)

    (US, Britain and Canada) it imposed rules for controlling the atomic bombs
  • Conference of Foreign Ministers at Moscow (December)

    Soviets agreed to the establishment of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission
  • Period: to

    Paris Peace Treaties with Italy and Minor Axis powers

  • Roosevelt dies and is replaced with Harry Truman

    Political interests clash with Stalin's, causes of Cold War
  • Soviet troops gain control over Berlín

  • Hitler commits suicide in Berlin

  • Germany surrenders

  • First atomic bomb testing

    In New Mexico, US
  • Period: to

    Potsdam Conference

    17 July --> Churchill, Stalin and Truman meet
  • Churchill is replaced with Clement Attlee as British Prime Minister

  • Atomic bomb of US to Hiroshima

  • Atomic bomb of US to Nagasaki

  • Japan surrenders

  • Second World War ends

  • Conference of Foreign Ministers (July)

  • Security Council of United Nations achieved Soviet withdrawal of Iran (March)

  • Soviets put political and military pressure on Turkey and Iran

  • Period: to

    Us policy in Japan

    Japan's government and economy were transformed into a liberal capitalist democracy
  • Churchill Iron Curtain

    Official declaration of the Cold War
  • Creation of Bizonia (January)

    Economic merging of British and US zones
  • Marshall's offer (June)

    Offers economic aid to Europe
  • (Ends) Formation of Soviet Bloc

    Eastern Europe except Finland under USSR control. To avoid war with the USSR, the US and Britain intervened directly with Eastern Europe's affairs to prevent the advance of Communism in Western Europe
  • (December) London Conference of Foreign Ministers

    Western allies resolved on creating a separate Western German state
  • Period: to

    Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (March-April)

    Soviets made a determined effort to destroy Bizonia yet, in result, it was strengthened economically and given more political inependence
  • Britain informed the US that it's financial and military aid to Turkey and Iran would cease

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman offered the economic support of the US to countries resisting Communism
  • Cominform established by the USSR

    Communist Information Bureau established to promote ideological unity among communists
  • Us Congress approved a programme for 5 billion as the first installment of Marshall's plain aid

  • (February to June) new London Conference of Foreign Ministers

    US, Britain, France and Benelux states met to discuss formation of new German Western state
  • Yugoslav-Soviet split

    Yugoslav split from the Soviet bloc
  • Brussels PAct

    (Belgium, Britain, France, Luxemburg and the Netherlands) --> Defend the other Pact members of any agressor
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    USSR cut down supplies to West Berlin
  • Period: to

    Berlin Airlift

    Western Allies responded to the Berlin Blockade by supplying West Berlin by aircraft
  • Cominform & Peace Movement (November)

    Cominform was given the task of forming a peace movement
  • COMECON founded

    (USSR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary), Romania and Poland joined in 1950
  • (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    Signed for a period of 20 years (Canada, US, Brussels Pact, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Italy and Portugal)
  • Establishment of Federal Republic of Germany

  • Successful test of atomic bomb by USSR

  • Chinese Revolution

    China became a Communist state and new ally of the USSR
  • German Democratic Republic established

  • Sino-Soviet Pact

    Mao & Stalin, aims --> (co-operate in defense in case of Japanese or US attack, peace treaty with Japan, not conclude hostile agreements with powers aimed at the other member of the pact, co-operate and consult on mutual interest matters)
  • Korean War

    Soviets provided weapons and military advisors in disguise (to not appear suspicious to the US) to North Korea. consequently North Korea was superior over the South in military strength
  • Pleven Plan

    Formation of European Defense Community (EDC) --> Pleven Plan (Purpose: create super national European army with an European Minister of Defense and an European Assembly appointed by the participating governments)
  • Treaty of Peace with Japan

  • European Defense Community Treaty

  • Eisenhower elected as US President

  • Stalin dies

  • Korean Armistice

    Both sides recognize the 38th parallel as a dividing line between North and South Korea