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    President Roosevelts Presidency

    (He had a previous term, but I wanted to attempt to keep it within the range of 1942 ish)
  • First Atomic Bomb

    In Los Almos, New Mexico the very first Atomic Bomb was created.
  • D-Day

    The Allies attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. This was the turning point for the Allies in World War II
  • The Incident at Port Chicago

    Two Ships loaded ammunition at Port Chicago Station, California. Sadly, it exploded and ended up in around three hundred deaths.
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    President Truman's Presidency

  • Battle of Okinawa

    Allies send bombers to strike Japan, an increased of air strikes. Large death toll on both sides, but the Allies ended up winning.
  • The End of World War II

    Germany surrenders to the Allies.
  • "Little Bomb" or "Little Boy"

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, this was the second nuclear ever used in the history of war.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Stated that the U.S. would help protect democratic nations from anyone trying to invade them. An alliance for these countries.
  • NATO is formed

    Formally known as the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" was founded which made a military alliance. This alliance promised if there is an invasion on one of the countries, the rest would fight the opposing country(ies).
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    Korean War

    A division occurred between what is modernly known as North Korea and South Korea. Over the leadership of who should run the entirety of Korea.
  • Transcontinental TV

    President Truman made the very first television broadcast appearance. This was broadcasted across the United States and also at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference.