Unknown 1


  • Kidney Dialysis Machine

    This new invention was brought to life in 1943 by Dutch physician Willem Kolff. The idea of this expounding new machine came to him while watching a patient suffer from kidney failure and knew exactly that the only way he could save this patient was by cleaning their blood stream. After he created this invention, many different lives were saved and the medical field was forever changed.
  • End of the Holocaust

    After the many years of Jews being in confinement and bearing persecution by the Nazi's, the Russian Army is able to reach Berlin and put a stop to this injustice.
  • Japanese Bombing

    America completely changed the pace of the war when they proceeded to drop a deadly atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, the U.S. Army dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki, completely devastating the Japanese empire.
  • World War II Ends

    On September 2, 1945 America was able to accept Japan's surrender and agreement to what they had done, in summation, ending the Second World War.
  • The start of the Cold War

    Just when America thought that the horizon had been seen after World War II had ended, the beginning of a horrifically long political battle was just in sight.
  • Korean War

    This war is fought between North and South Korea (with American aid to the South Koreans)
  • 22nd Amendment Passed

    This amendment limited the president of the U.S. to only two terms of office (a total of 8 years) which remains a rock solid law upheld even today.
  • The death of Josef Stalin

    Josef Stalins death was caused by a brain hemorrhage and he died tragically at the age of 73.