
  • Bracero Program

    An Agreement between U.S. President Roosevelt and Mexico offering employment for Mexicans in the States mostly for the railroads and agriculture areas.
  • Executive Order 9066 is passed

    Japanese citizens in America were moved to detainment camps under the command of President Roosevelt.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    A Japanese invasion of the Pacific ocean is prevented by U.S. forces.
  • Battle of Midway

    A second United States navy victory in the Pacific region to prevent Japanese from further advacement.
  • The Manhattan Project Starts

    A secret atomic weapon is developed by American scientist that can level an entire city.
  • The "Big Three" Meet

    In Tehran, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin discuss plans of a massive push back on the German hold of France.
  • "D-Day"

    Largest amphibious assault by Allied forces who landed on Normandy beach to pressure German forces to retreat.
  • GI Bill is Passed

    Veterans would receive various benefits including education expenses, unemployment benefits, home loans, and more.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    A last-ditch effort by the Germans to defeat the Allies.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    The period of rivalry between the U.S. and Russia which included military arms buildup, economic support for nations fighting against communist takeover, and political propaganda.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    A desperate struggle for control between U.S. and Japanese military which resulted in a great loss of life for both sides.
  • Harry S. Truman becomes 33rd President

  • V-E Day

    Germany surrendered to the Allies.
  • United Nations is Formed

    This alliance consisted of around 50 nations
  • First Atomic Bombs

    American forces detonate bombs on two Japanese cities within three days. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the targets.
  • Japan Surrenders to the United States

    Japanese & American leaders officially sign surrender aboard U.S.S. Missouri.
  • Kennan Telegram

    From an embassy in Moscow, George Kennan sends a telegram urging the US to contain Soviet expansion.
  • "Iron Curtain" Speech by Churchill

    Churchill, speaking to a group in Missouri, compared the communist takeover of Europe to an "iron curtain that had lowered."
  • Jackie Robinson

    Robinson became the first African American int eh major leagues when he signed on to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The program was designed to proved large sums of capital to Western Europe after the war in order to return the region to economic health and political stability.
  • Taft-Hartley Act

    Forms of speech in the labor movement were regulated and union officials were provided the authority to remove individuals who they believed to be communists.
  • Molotov Plan

    As a result to the Marshall plan, the Soviet Union established a system to assistance to Eastern European nations.
  • Smith-Mundt Act

    This act designed to promoted the United States ideals and values to other countries around the world.
  • State of Israel

    United States officially recognizes the state of Israel.
  • Berlin Blockade

    This blockade of West Germany by the Soviet Union was overcome by a series of simple airlift of supplies from the United States. The blockaded was lifted the following year on May 12, 1949.
  • Alger Hiss

    Accusations of Hiss as a communist spy led to his arrest and later conviction of perjury since the time limit for espionage had expired
  • Harry S. Truman

    Truman is sworn is for his second term in office.
  • NATO

    An agreement between U.S., Canada, England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland to support one another against aggression from other nations.
  • Division of Germany

    Germany was divided Into West and East with the Western half name the Federal Republic of Germany and the Eastern communist half named the German Democratic Republic.
  • Soviet Union's Atomic Bomb

    Soviet scientist successfully detonate an atomic bomb years ahead of when the American officials believed they would.
  • Television in America

    Television takes place of radio in the 1950s.
  • NSC-68

    A National Security document warning about threats to the United State of America from the Soviet Union's arsenal of weapons of mass destruction.
  • McCarthy claims he has a list of communists in the US.

    Senator Joe McCarthy's speech warning of communists in official American government positions promoted the ideas of communists threats to the United States.
  • Korean War

    A war between America and South Korea against communist North Korea involving multiple battles back and forth across the 38th parallel. United Nations Soviet ambassador offered a cease fire plan on June 23, 1951.
  • Internal Security Act Passed

    This act government power to act against communism by requiring all communist organizations to register with the federal government.
  • 22nd Amendment

    Presidential terms of service limited to two.
  • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

    The Rosenberg's were sentenced to be executed for their involvement in passing American atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
  • McArthur's Dismissal

    President Truman dismissed General Douglas McArthur for insubordination by challenging the president's Korean War policies.
  • America's First Hydrogen Bomb

    The first American hydrogen bomb was detonated which further magnified the arms race.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Becomes 34th President

  • Soviet Leader Stalin dies

  • Korean Armistice

    Agreement signed formally ending the Korean War.
  • Soviet Union's Hydrogen Bomb

    First hydrogen bomb detonated by Soviet Union.
  • "Atoms for Peace" Speech is Delivered

    President Eisenhower suggests in a speech at the UN General Assembly an initiative to share nuclear energy knowledge with other scientist in order to develop technology to improve the world rather than destroy it.
  • McCarthy Hearings agains the U.S. Army

    Senator McCarthy holds televised hearings to question Army personnel with the question, "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party?"
  • Vietnam War

    A war between France and Vietnam with American intervention that lasted almost ten years and led to thousands of American deaths with numerous protests because of the lack of clear direction and policies from U.S. officials.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    A court cast where "separate but equal" is determined to be unconstitutional in regards to segregated schools.
  • American Additions

    “One nation, under God” is added to the Pledge of Allegiance and two years later “In God We Trust” becomes the national motto.