
By mob1999
  • The Nazis established 356 ghettos

    The Nazis established 356 ghettos
  • Period: to

    TimeLine for 1940-1941

  • First televised basketball game (college game at New York City's Madison Square Garden-University of Pittsburgh beats Fordham University, 50-37).

    First televised basketball game (college game at New York City's Madison Square Garden-University of Pittsburgh beats Fordham University, 50-37).
  • Finland signed a peace treaty with Soviets

    Finland signed a peace treaty with Soviets
  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
  • Germans enter Paris

    Germans enter Paris
  • The Jeep made its debut

    The Jeep made its debut
  • Green Bay Packers become first NFL team to travel by plane

    Green Bay Packers become first NFL team to travel by plane
  • General deportations begin from Germany to major ghettos in Poland and further east

    General deportations begin from Germany to major ghettos in Poland and further east
  • M&Ms® were manufactured for the U.S. Army.

    M&Ms® were manufactured for the U.S. Army.
  • First night game at Washington DC, Griffith Stadium

    First night game at Washington DC, Griffith Stadium
  • Nazis begin using mobile killing squad called Einsatzgruppen

    Nazis begin using mobile killing squad called Einsatzgruppen
  • The first Superman movie, an animated cartoon, debuted.

    The first Superman movie, an animated cartoon, debuted.
  • the nazis establish 356 ghettos in Poland, the SU, Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania

    the nazis establish 356 ghettos in Poland, the SU, Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania